Week beginning 20.11.23

Road Safety Week has been busy with lots of new learning! Here is a snippet of our week this week.

The Apprentice Invention task

The last task for our apprentice topic was an invention task. We had to create a product and create a branding campaign for it. Then we had to prepare a pitch to present our product to Mrs Allan. Mrs Allan voted for her top three favourite. She chose the Medical box by Gridwear as 1st place, Track o Dog by Team Paws was her second favourite then Team Echo and Golden Odyssey were a tie at 3rd place.  Now that the topic is over, here are the overall results for all the tasks combined:

1st place: Team Echo

2nd Place: Team Gridwear

3rd Place: Team Paws

Book Week Outdoor learning

For book week we went outside and created book cover freeze frames by using sticks, stones and things we found outside and someone from your team would take a picture with the Ipad.

Road Safety Posters

For road safety week we made posters and the theme was to make posters to raise awareness of the speed 20 MPH near school areas. The JRSOs will decide the winning posters.

Hand Art

We made some realistic hands using shading and fine lines. It was quite tricky but they turned out really good.


We have started our block on coding and animated our names on Scratch. We were able to use movement and sound. Next week we will look at making games.

Health and Wellbeing – Sleep

We learned about the importance of sleep for a healthy lifestyle. We all created sleep action plans to see the benefits of sleep in our life. Here are some tips for a good sleep routine/habit:

  • Make sure you have a dark room to help you drift off.
  • Make sure your room is tidy – a clean environment is easier to relax in.
  • No devices or no screen time before bed.
  • Make sure you don’t junk food or sugar full foods before bed.
  • Keep your bed time routine consistent.
  • If you are worried about something, speak to an adult before bed or keep a diary or journal.

Blog by: Isam, Mrs Rasul, Myra and Jack.


Week beginning 6.11.23 Blog by Harry

This week we reached our class target of 1500 dojos! So we got our first treat of pancakes and mocktails. This is all the other things we did:

Matilda STEAL lesson

We read an extract from Matilda then used the STEAL analysis to explore Miss Trunchbull’s and Miss Honey’s characters. STEAL stands for Speech, Thoughts, Effects on others, Actions and looks.

Eastwood P.E.

At Eastwood P.E. We are now in mixed groups with the other P7s and doing a 6 week block of the same sport. The options include:

Football, Hockey, Tennis, Netball, Rugby and Athletics.


We learned about the festival of Diwali and we made origami boats (for divas) and cool Rangoli patterns with square paper and they turned out really cool!

Reading books/Prediction

Today we just got our new reading books and we had to make predictions from only seeing the blurb and front cover. We had to predict the genre, setting, time period, characters and plot.


This week we have learned how to find the percentage of an amount. We know 50% is a half so you divide by 2.


In Heartstart we learned how to save someone’s life if they had a heart attack, cardiac arrest, internal bleeding and choking.



Week beginning 30.10.23

Another fun filled, jam packed week of learning! It seems like we managed to do loads! Here is a little snippet of our week:

Tim Burton Art

Since it was Halloween, and we have been looking at spooky character descriptions, we decided to create some portraits in the style of Tim Burton. We used vine charcoal, charcoal pencils, white chalk to create these portraits. We used shading to create the shadows and they turned out wonderful!

Photography in Woodland area

We used our amazing photography skills to create some scenes using lego figures. We then used Ipads to take some cool pictures.

The Apprentice Sales Task

This week for our apprentice task we had to create a price list for biscuits and set up stalls to sell them in exchange for tokens. It was very interesting as we had to try different pricing strategies to make sure we were making sales.


This week for maths we have been learning all about Algebra. It has been good because before we started we thought it would be tricky, but it is actually quite simple when you know what to do.