Week beginning 9.10.23

The week before October week has been a busy one indeed!

The Apprentice Adverts

This week Primary 7 created adverts and billboards for the ‘No Bovver Hoverboard’. They used Imovie on Ipads to create short adverts. This was so much fun!

STEM budgeting bridge task

We used collaboration skills to create a bridge with only paper, tape and paper clips. The bridge had to hold the weight of a bottle and each paper had a price so we were budgeting while building.


This week in woodland, we created scenes using action figures and natural materials. Pictures coming soon….

Fractions, decimals and percentages

For maths we have been converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. We know 1/2 is 0.5 and 50%.

P.E. at Eastwood

This week it was not as wet and rainy as last week which was good! We had a chance to have a go at the football station and tennis.

Setting descriptions

For writing this week we wrote our final setting descriptions. We got to choose our own setting and people picked different ones. Some spooky settings, planet, beach and futuristic.