Week beginning 23.10.23

This week has been another busy one. We had our next Apprentice challenge which was a really interesting one! We have started writing character descriptions and watched a spooky video called Alma!

The Hotel room Renovation

We had a person come into class, her name was Tehmeena. She gave us a challenge to make a hotel renovation and we got to design the rooms. We created a mood board and created a budget sheet. We are excited to see who wins.


So the other day we watched a short movie called Alma it was about little girl Alma. She writes her name on a wall and then she sees a doll that look like her. She tried to open the door but she couldn’t get in and she throws a snow ball at the door then she walks  way but the door creaks open and then she touched  the doll and gets traps in the doll.

Show not tell

Today we wrote about a man running away from a monster and a kid who woke up on his birthday and an angry school teacher and a sad kid in the park. We used show not tell to write their emotions.

Wooden Puzzle

Our teacher Mrs Rasul bought a wooden puzzle and it is so fun to play with. It is hard to solve sometimes but I think its easy.


Week beginning 9.10.23

The week before October week has been a busy one indeed!

The Apprentice Adverts

This week Primary 7 created adverts and billboards for the ‘No Bovver Hoverboard’. They used Imovie on Ipads to create short adverts. This was so much fun!

STEM budgeting bridge task

We used collaboration skills to create a bridge with only paper, tape and paper clips. The bridge had to hold the weight of a bottle and each paper had a price so we were budgeting while building.


This week in woodland, we created scenes using action figures and natural materials. Pictures coming soon….

Fractions, decimals and percentages

For maths we have been converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. We know 1/2 is 0.5 and 50%.

P.E. at Eastwood

This week it was not as wet and rainy as last week which was good! We had a chance to have a go at the football station and tennis.

Setting descriptions

For writing this week we wrote our final setting descriptions. We got to choose our own setting and people picked different ones. Some spooky settings, planet, beach and futuristic.

Week beginning 2.10.23 Maths Week

We have been doing loads of fun activities for Maths week this week. The theme has been Maths in Motion and we have used this to learn about speed, distance and time. Here are a few of the things we have been doing this week.

The Apprentice Branding task

In P7C our topic is The Apprentice and this week we were designing chocolate bars for a brand called Blazin Raisins.  We then sent them to other classes for them to vote for the one they thought was the best.

The group that came 3rd was: TEAM ECHO

2nd place was TEAM GRIDWEAR

1st place was GOLDEN ODYSSEY.

Maths Week Paper Plane Speed Challenge

For maths week this years theme was Maths in Motion so in P7C we made different types of airplanes but we had to make them using different angles so that it would go further and faster.  To find the speed we calculated the distance and divided it by time it took in seconds. We also learned that if you are trying to find the distance then you need to multiply speed by time.

Marble Run for Maths Week

Since this maths week theme was maths in motion P7C made a marble run using Kapla and we had to angle the Kapla correctly so that the marble could get from the start straight to the end.

Eastwood P.E.

In P.E instead of doing our normal P.E in the primary school we went to Eastwood on Thursday for P.E and got split into groups and we all did different things such as football, tennis and athletics. We will continue to do P.E in Eastwood for round about 9 weeks.