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Friday 13th October 2023

This week in P6B we have…

The Jungle Adventure Project

  • We have been making a small world using shoe boxes for our P1 buddies. We have also made books that we will read to them. – P
  • We were being creative this week when we were making our shoe boxes because we created a scene from the books we created. We also used our sculptures that we created at the beginning of term as a characters for our buddies to retell the story with. -L


P.E. at Eastwood

  • Yesterday at Eastwood, I played rugby. We were practicing our passing with a passing drill. You can’t pass forward in rugby so we practiced this. – Z
  • During P.E. I played hockey. As a warm up we were put into partners and we had to practice passing back and forward. When we got to 10 we had to take 2 steps back to make it harder. The main activity was a mini hockey match. – E



  • I was learning about volume this week. I measured the volume of cuboid using a special formula. – R
  • On Thursday with Miss Ralston we completed a maths challenge. We had to make paper airplanes then measure how far they could fly. We changed our models to investigate whether that effected the distance. – H



  • I went to the Football club with Mr Atkinson. At Football club we played some games and I really enjoyed it. – K
  • I went to the Bollywood club at lunchtime. We learned a bollywood trend and it was really fun! – S
  • I went to the debating club and we learned about debate structures. We are focusing on why pupils should or shouldn’t be allowed to bring phones to school. -A
  • On Monday I went to netball. For netball we started by practicing our passing by playing a game. Before we started playing a game we got into 3 different groups to practice shooting, passing and defending. – E


This week in P6b we have…

We created graphs to display how many steps the teachers did in their step challenge for Maths Week.  Mrs Findlay came in first place with over 30,000 steps.

We acted out a scene when someone got blamed unfairly – the problem had to be solved by showing what to do when someone blames you unfairly.

We went to Eastwood to do PE, we were coached by the pupils in S6.

We created optical illusion art – we had to draw a square and put a 1cm line on each side, connected them, and we had to do this until it filled the whole square.  This was called the Curves of Pursuit.

For Maths Week Scotland we solved some problems which required lots of thinking – it was really hard!  We enjoyed doing the activities together.

We made front covers for our own stories inspired by The Jungle Book and we have started typing these up on the computers.

We did a Thinking Reader lesson where we wrote a summary about what we have read in The Jungle Book so far.


We hope you have  a lovely weekend.



Thursday 21st September 2023

This week in P6b we have…

Scotland Versus USA

  • This week we got a map of the USA and used it to name the states. We also completed a map of Scotland using the atlases. -A
  • We were trying to find the railroads and the rivers in the atlases and show it on the map. – R
  • We also included dairy farms, crop farms, mountains and the main motorways on our maps. – R

  • On Wednesday we were comparing the climate in the USA and Scotland. – S
  • We went on the Chromebooks and looked at the maps of different countries through the years. – H
  • We went on the time lapse and saw how the globe has changed over the years. – A
  • We made rain gauges and wind vanes to measure the weather in our playground. – R

Leading the Learning in P.E.

  • In P.E. we got to make our own lessons and we created a warm-up, stations, a cool down and we asked questions at the end. – S
  • On Tuesday, we did leading the learning in P.E. S and I did a lesson on one side of the hall, and O and E did one on the other side. In your lesson you had to have a warm-up, main event, cool down and questions at the end. – M


  • We finished our first maths topic and created a poster to show everyone what we had learned during the topic. – A

We hope you have a lovely September weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 15th September 2023

This week in P6b we have been…

In maths we looked at bar graphs with Miss Ralston. – H
We had to make three different bar graphs about a safari park. -R
We made a poster to provide information about the jungle trail safari park. – A

On Wednesday we were looking at paragraphs. – S


On Tuesday we did P.E. and we participated in some fitness stations outside. – P

The Jungle Book
On Monday we painted our clay sculptures of our Jungle Book characters. We also made a trading card of our character on the Chromebooks. – K
This week we were looking at the Jungle Book and we did Thinking Reader with Miss Lamb. We also wrote about the problem in our Jungle Adventure stories. -A
We checked our original predictions that we made at the beginning of the book and we also made some new predictions. – A
In writing, we have been working on our Jungle Book Adventure and this week we were writing about the problem. – E
We made our own information card about a character from the Jungle Book on the Chromebooks. It had to include their best feature, personality, name and other information. – R

Scotland versus USA
On the Chromebooks, we created a PowerPoint to show the comparisons between Scotland and America. – M

On Thursday, when Miss Ralston was in we were learning about Islam. We were learning about the Five Pillars of Islam. We did an activity where we had to cut out the five pillars and named them. We then made a flip page with a hidden description. – M

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 8th September 2023

This week in P6b we have been…

STEM Challenge

  • On Tuesday we designed a marble run then on Thursday we created our model using recycled materials. – K
  • We planned our model then we had to make sure that it worked properly. The aim was to make sure the marble could run from the top to the bottom and it was sturdy. – A
  • We made our marble runs in groups of four. -E
  • We also went through to Miss Daly’s classroom to look at their marble runs and get some inspiration from theirs. -M
  • When we were making them it was quite hard because some of the parts fell off. -S



  • We went outside to practice our time. We used chalk to show different times using analogue clocks and digital clocks. – E
  • With Miss Ralston, we looked at tables and bar graphs. We looked at information about ice cream sales and the Eastwood Leisure Centre. – A and M
  • Some of us created a survey and asked the P1s and P2s about their favourite flavours of ice cream. – E


Health and Wellbeing

  • This week’s Bounceback lesson was based on ‘Oh the Places You’ll Go’ by Dr Seuss. We discussed our interpretation of quotes from the book. We also made our happy memory islands like the Inside Out film – A
  • We made islands of things that cheer us up when we are feeling sad. For example, some people chose family island and funny island. I had family, funny, singing and art islands. – L


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 1st September 2023

This week in P6b we have…



On Tuesday for P.E. we did some warm up games then fitness.  One of the stations was planks, which was hard because it hurts your arms.



On Thursday Miss Ralston taught us about Hinduism. We learned about one of the gods.



On Tuesday we made clay models about some of the characters from The Jungle Book.

We made clay characters because next week we are focusing on characterisation. It was fun.

We also made fact files about our character.

Throughout the week we worked on The Jungle Book.

We have been writing about what we have learned about The Jungle Book so far and created questions using what, why, where, when and who.

In writing, we explored setting and we started our jungle adventure stories.



On Thursday with Miss Ralston we did a number scavenger hunt to reveal a message.

On Friday, we made maths art using our knowledge of times tables to help us remember the calculations that we always forget. We explored colour and pattern.

On Thursday afternoon, we did a multiplication mosaic with Miss Ralston.


IDL Topic

We made jamboards to plan our IDL topic.  We created questions around the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b

Friday 25th August 2023

This week in P6b we have…


  • On Monday we started our new class novel, The Jungle Book. – S
  • We made our own VCOP wall. We created our own sentences and used VCOP to uplevel them. – R
  • During writing, we wrote about someone going through a portal. – C
  • We analysed a page of The Jungle Book to find the VCOP in it and colour coded it. – A


  • In P.E., we played games and explained how to play them so we can play with our P1 buddies. – A
  • On Tuesday, we did P.E. and practiced games that we can play with our P1 buddies. – O.

Class Charter

  • We made astronauts to add to our class charter. – M
  • We discussed which rights were the most important to us. – A


  • In Bounceback, we were talking about helpful and unhelpful thinking. We read some cartoons and answered questions on them. – A
  • We created our desk table names. – T

Buddy Badges

  • We got our buddy badges on Tuesday. – H


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

P6b and Miss McNeil

Friday 18th August 2023

Welcome to P6b’s blog!

We have had a busy week settling into our new classroom and making it our own. Everyone has enjoyed getting to know their new classmates and their P1 buddies. We even had a chance to meet up with them this afternoon.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss McNeil and P6b