Thursday 21st September 2023

This week in P6b we have…

Scotland Versus USA

  • This week we got a map of the USA and used it to name the states. We also completed a map of Scotland using the atlases. -A
  • We were trying to find the railroads and the rivers in the atlases and show it on the map. – R
  • We also included dairy farms, crop farms, mountains and the main motorways on our maps. – R

  • On Wednesday we were comparing the climate in the USA and Scotland. – S
  • We went on the Chromebooks and looked at the maps of different countries through the years. – H
  • We went on the time lapse and saw how the globe has changed over the years. – A
  • We made rain gauges and wind vanes to measure the weather in our playground. – R

Leading the Learning in P.E.

  • In P.E. we got to make our own lessons and we created a warm-up, stations, a cool down and we asked questions at the end. – S
  • On Tuesday, we did leading the learning in P.E. S and I did a lesson on one side of the hall, and O and E did one on the other side. In your lesson you had to have a warm-up, main event, cool down and questions at the end. – M


  • We finished our first maths topic and created a poster to show everyone what we had learned during the topic. – A

We hope you have a lovely September weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b