Friday 15th September 2023

This week in P6b we have been…

In maths we looked at bar graphs with Miss Ralston. – H
We had to make three different bar graphs about a safari park. -R
We made a poster to provide information about the jungle trail safari park. – A

On Wednesday we were looking at paragraphs. – S


On Tuesday we did P.E. and we participated in some fitness stations outside. – P

The Jungle Book
On Monday we painted our clay sculptures of our Jungle Book characters. We also made a trading card of our character on the Chromebooks. – K
This week we were looking at the Jungle Book and we did Thinking Reader with Miss Lamb. We also wrote about the problem in our Jungle Adventure stories. -A
We checked our original predictions that we made at the beginning of the book and we also made some new predictions. – A
In writing, we have been working on our Jungle Book Adventure and this week we were writing about the problem. – E
We made our own information card about a character from the Jungle Book on the Chromebooks. It had to include their best feature, personality, name and other information. – R

Scotland versus USA
On the Chromebooks, we created a PowerPoint to show the comparisons between Scotland and America. – M

On Thursday, when Miss Ralston was in we were learning about Islam. We were learning about the Five Pillars of Islam. We did an activity where we had to cut out the five pillars and named them. We then made a flip page with a hidden description. – M

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b