Friday 8th September 2023

This week in P6b we have been…

STEM Challenge

  • On Tuesday we designed a marble run then on Thursday we created our model using recycled materials. – K
  • We planned our model then we had to make sure that it worked properly. The aim was to make sure the marble could run from the top to the bottom and it was sturdy. – A
  • We made our marble runs in groups of four. -E
  • We also went through to Miss Daly’s classroom to look at their marble runs and get some inspiration from theirs. -M
  • When we were making them it was quite hard because some of the parts fell off. -S



  • We went outside to practice our time. We used chalk to show different times using analogue clocks and digital clocks. – E
  • With Miss Ralston, we looked at tables and bar graphs. We looked at information about ice cream sales and the Eastwood Leisure Centre. – A and M
  • Some of us created a survey and asked the P1s and P2s about their favourite flavours of ice cream. – E


Health and Wellbeing

  • This week’s Bounceback lesson was based on ‘Oh the Places You’ll Go’ by Dr Seuss. We discussed our interpretation of quotes from the book. We also made our happy memory islands like the Inside Out film – A
  • We made islands of things that cheer us up when we are feeling sad. For example, some people chose family island and funny island. I had family, funny, singing and art islands. – L


We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss McNeil and P6b