Week beginning 13th May 2024

“Hi readers and welcome back to our blog!” Anna

“On Monday, with Miss Bishop we were learning about electricity  and doing different stations. Some included making circuits and some were matching diagrams. I’d like to do this  again!” Erin H


“This week we were busy completing our NSAs on the chrome books about different subjects (reading, writing and numeracy.)” Millie

“There was a little survey at the end – I love it, I liked it, I didn’t  like it – I hated it. I picked I liked it!” Edward

“On Wednesday, we had Mrs Dunbar for P.E. and we were practising team passing. We played a game like rounders and it was really fun. I got 106points!” Ava

“On Thursday with Mrs Hobson, the hall was out of action so we did a warm up with a daily mile in the playground and I thought this was really fun and a little bit of a change. We also did yoga in the class to cool down.” Jaxon

“Today we made text maps based on a persuasive leaflet in groups. We made a plan so we can make leaflets about our own farm parks.” Oliver


“When we were creating our text maps, Mr Chrystal and Mrs McGuigan came in and joined us to see what we were learning.” Sophia W

“We were creating our own farm parks, I plan to put a cool café in the middle of mine!” Sophia H

“Some people went to a tennis tournament over at a different school.” Millie

“We played Uplawmoor and got into the final!” Ruaridh

“I hope you enjoyed our blog!” Menaal

“Have a fabulous weekend!” Emma Rose