Hi again, we are back!
“In P.E. we set up exercise stations and it was really hard!” Alexander
“One of the stations was the plank station, I thought it was difficult.” Samuel
“On our other P.E. lesson we split into 2 groups and practised controlling the ball and it was really fun!” Ava
“In topic we were learned about Roman houses and what they looked like. If they were wealthy they would have had a big house called a villa.” Sophia H
“Did you know, the Romans invented underfloor heating?” James
“On Friday, we learned about Robert Burns and his poetry. We wrote about things we love in our own ode poems. I wrote about gymnastics.” Millie
“My poem was about my mum!” Menaal
‘At assembly, we learned even more about him and one of his poems is A Red Red Rose!” Oliver
“In Maths, we were learning about time, I thought it was a bit difficult but I tried really hard!” Alina
” Some people worked on o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to times. We also added on 15 minutes to times.” Theo
“During French, we learned the numbers up to 30. It was a bit difficult but worth learning.” Edward
“We did this by playing a game with our table and it was tricky but we did it!” Jamie
Tune in next week for more!