Week beginning 20th November 2023

Hello again and welcome back to our blog!

‘On Monday during swimming, we were learning about safety in the water and the different flags we see at the beach.’ Ava

‘The red flags means that there is danger in the water, like it’s unsafe to go in. The yellow, means it is safe to go in the water but there are no lifeguards.’ Lana

‘We played a game in teams and we were diving for sinking objects, like hoops with weights.’ Erin G

‘This week, we completed a new self portrait. We used paint for this and I liked it because it was calming.’ Aaniyah

‘This is my favourite portrait so far this year.’ Connie

‘In maths, some of us were learning more about grid references using all the 8 compass points. We also picked a theme for our sheet mine was numbers.’ Menaal

‘After we finished designing our grid and questions we swapped with a friend and they had to answer our questions. We swapped back and marked their work, it was really fun.’ Sophia H

‘Some of us played a time game called Splat and it was were you had to match up an analogue with a digital clock. I thought it was lots of fun.’ Jamie

‘In P.E. we used the basketballs to practice our chest passes.’ Alina

‘On Wednesday for P.E. we were playing football matches. I thought it was really fun but tricky.’ Sophia W

‘For writing this week, we were finishing our fact files. It was hard but also quite fun. I have learned how to add text boxes and research using Google.’ Gregor

‘It was Road Safety Week this week and we did a lesson about it and we made posters for a competition to send to the JRSOs to pick a winner. I thought it was a bit difficult but I completed it and I was really proud.’ Millie

‘At assembly the campus police officer came to talk about road safety and I thought it was really interesting.’ Grace

Tune in next week for more!


Week beginning 6th November 2023

Hi all!

‘For PE we did hockey. We played a few games and it was fun!’ Robbie

‘On Thursday’s P.E. we played our last game of Kingball and we released the golden snitch ball. It was caught three times during the game.’ Edward

‘During writing, we finished our stories by adding some finishing touches. I thought this very fun and some even read theirs out.’ Jaxon

‘In Maths, we learning about times tables and vertical calculations. We got a partners and did Zappers. I thought this was really fun.’ Millie

‘On Friday we were researching sea creatures of our choice, looking at facts and making  notes.’ Lana

‘I learned that 100,000 dolphins are poached every year by researching on the chrome books.’ Menaal

Tune in next week for more!

Week beginning 20th October (Halloween week!)

Hi all, welcome back!

In maths this week, we were  learning more times tables.’ Sophia W

‘We also were learning about grid references. We had a grid with letters and numbers. The phrase we learned to help us was, along the corridor and up the stairs.’ Edward

‘Also, we had a maths calendar for October and we found a partner and had to see how many questions we could do. This was tricky but fun!’ Lana

‘In P.E. we were learning more about Kingball, this week the golden snitch rule was introduced. This can be released at any time, if the King/Queen catches it you can pick 2 people to join the bench with you.’ Sophia H

‘We did some home learning during the strike. I liked this a little as it was a bit quieter at home.’ James

‘In ICT with Miss Bishop, we were learning how to log into Big Cat for reading books and home learning. It was a bit difficult but I got it in the end.’ Millie

‘On Friday, we were writing stories using our story mountain to help us write our ideas. I thought this was hard but fun!’ Anna

‘In Health and Wellbeing, we filled out a questionnaire about our feelings about learning. This is called Growth Mindset.’ Ava

‘In Art, we finished off our monthly portraits using felt tip pens. I think that art is fun and good.’ Alexander

We hope you enjoyed reading this week’s blog!