Week beginning 23rd October 2023

Hi again, we have been busy this week!

‘We have another teacher Miss Bishop, she joined us this week! She likes to do ICT.’ Jaxon

‘We also helped her learn more about us by filling out a little sheet about ourselves.’ Alina

‘In Maths, we were learning more about our times tables. We got a special booklet to help us learn these better.’ Ava

‘On Google Classroom there was a train game for us. Some of us worked on addition and some worked on times tables.’ Gregor


‘For Deep Blue Sea lessons, we were researching food chains, for what eats what.’ Menaal

‘There were 5 possible food chains from the animals on our sheet and we had to make a food chain each.’ Sophia H

‘I felt that the work was hard but fun!’ James

‘Today in writing we were starting to plan a story including a villain and a special object.’ Sophia W

‘We also had a sheet on adjectives and we had to create an alien-how they felt, looked and their colour.’ Anna

Tune in next week for more from P4b!

Week beginning 9th October 2023

Hello there and welcome back!

‘This week we created our own abstract art of ourselves, using paper that we cut into funny shapes.’ Jamie

‘The artist we looked at was Pablo Picasso, who lived in Spain and at some point moved to Paris.’ Gregor

‘Pablo Picasso had 23 middle names!’ James

‘In our Topic lessons, we learned about food chains and what eats the producers, which are at the start of the food chain. We learned what eats the consumers, then the decomposers end the food chain and it all starts again.’ Edward

‘The sun always starts the food chain.’ Sophia H

‘On Wednesday. we went to the woodland and made bug habitats. We had to decide if they were producers, consumers or a decomposers. We did this by figuring out if they eat any other animals.’ Millie

‘We also went to the MUGA to play football and we ran around the MUGA 3 times to warm up.’ Alina

‘On Thursday P.E. we learned about chest passes and shoulder passes and we also played Kingball! I thought it was fun!’ Anna

‘During our writing lesson, we were taking the characters we created 2 weeks ago and made up  a setting for it to live in. I thought it was a bit tricky but also fun.’ Erin G

‘We had to include some or all of the senses. My character could feel the warm sun on its shell.’ Connie

‘After we did our writing for 10minutes, we found a partner and read out our paragraphs. I liked hearing Sophia H’s and Alina’s writing.’  Menaal


‘Have a lovely October break, see you next time!’ Ava

Week beginning 2nd October

Hello again everyone!

‘In Art this week, we used pastels to make pictures of sea creatures.’ James

‘We had to smudge the background with 3 different colours and the animal had to be drawn in black pastel.’ Emily

‘The artist was Jean-Michel Basquiat.’ Ruaridh

‘For Maths Week Scotland we made paper planes and we went outside and threw them to see which one went the furthest.’ Ava

‘There were 5 different designs and the Mr Eadie special went the furthest.’ Erin G

‘We measured in metres and worked out the average distance.’ Erin H


‘Another challenge for Maths Week, was to use Kapla blocks to make marble runs and I thought mine and Robbie’s was very good.’ Jaxon

‘At the end of the lesson, we tested out everyone’s marble run to see if they worked. I really liked everyone’s designs and I thought they were very creative.’ Sophia H

‘In P.E. we learned a new game called King Ball! It is a team game but you have to stand still if you are throwing the ball.’ Sophia W

‘Our team won, as we had 5 kings/queens and the other team had 1.’ Jaxon

‘Me and Ava were the king/queens, we had to stand on benches and try and catch the ball. It was so fun!’ Finlay

‘At assembly, some people went up and explained what we did during Maths week, I was one of them!’ Millie

Bye for now!