WB 19.02.24


We did two pieces of writing this week. One was a narrative story about anything we wanted to show off our excellent writing skills. The other was a set of instructions with a really good introduction sentence.


We finished our Science topic on Electricity and Circuits this week so we will be starting a new topic next week.


This week we were learning about different traditions and customs in Islam.  Such as looking at prayer mats and headscarves


A few of the groups were working on rounding large numbers this week. We played lots of games and showed our understanding of ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and units.

Together, we will be doing lots of work on the properties of 3D shapes next week.


Who will be the 5 Secret Students next week???

Remember to bring your jotters back to school!

Hope you have a nice weekend.

wb 29.01.24


We are using our teamworking skills and our knowledge about how circuits work to make working circuits from circuit diagrams. We used our knowledge of circuits to build a model that contained at least one working circuit with a switch.

Our models…


We have continued to use our block programming skills and teamworking rules to create golf courses for our Sphero bots to navigate. We added animations to our Sphero LED displays as part of the code.


We applied our knowledge of the French language to add labels to our own life size diagrams of ourselves. We all labelled the body parts in French. Tres bien!