Week beginning 25/3/24

Good afternoon and welcome to our last blog of the term.

This week we have making making lava lamps in Science.

In Literacy we created a set of instructions based on  George’s Marvellous Medicine.

In Social Studies we have been learning about farming and the hard work farmers do for us all.  We have also been learning about the food we eat, what it gives our body and what we should eat for a healthy life .  We also used the Kapla to design and build our own farms.  We had to think about the Red Tractor Standards and what type of farm we wanted to have and to include a home for our animals and one for the farmers as well as space to grow our crops.

We also had a lovely performance from our recorder group who showcased what they have been learning in a performance to their special grown up’s this week.  We were so pleased that they wanted to share it with us too!

We have been chatting about our favourite learning experience from this term . Here are some things we have liked …

“I have loved simplifying fractions” (Aaron)

“I like the Titanic topic.” (Oscar)

“I enjoyed painting landscapes with Miss Campbell” (Haroon)

“I liked tennis in PE”. (Calum)

“I enjoyed creating a French menu.” (Lilian)

“I like Farm to Fork as it is very factual.” (Scarlett)

“I enjoyed learning about BODMAS.” (Farouk)

“I liked learning about perimeter.” (Finlay)

“I liked TINKERCAD.” (Achintya)


Today is also Break the Rues Day it has been a fun  day.

Have a wonderful Spring holiday everyone and thank you so much for all you support this term and for your wonderful children. They really are a fabulous bunch !!!


Mrs Mc Kim