Week beginning 25/3/24

Good afternoon and welcome to our last blog of the term.

This week we have making making lava lamps in Science.

In Literacy we created a set of instructions based on  George’s Marvellous Medicine.

In Social Studies we have been learning about farming and the hard work farmers do for us all.  We have also been learning about the food we eat, what it gives our body and what we should eat for a healthy life .  We also used the Kapla to design and build our own farms.  We had to think about the Red Tractor Standards and what type of farm we wanted to have and to include a home for our animals and one for the farmers as well as space to grow our crops.

We also had a lovely performance from our recorder group who showcased what they have been learning in a performance to their special grown up’s this week.  We were so pleased that they wanted to share it with us too!

We have been chatting about our favourite learning experience from this term . Here are some things we have liked …

“I have loved simplifying fractions” (Aaron)

“I like the Titanic topic.” (Oscar)

“I enjoyed painting landscapes with Miss Campbell” (Haroon)

“I liked tennis in PE”. (Calum)

“I enjoyed creating a French menu.” (Lilian)

“I like Farm to Fork as it is very factual.” (Scarlett)

“I enjoyed learning about BODMAS.” (Farouk)

“I liked learning about perimeter.” (Finlay)

“I liked TINKERCAD.” (Achintya)


Today is also Break the Rues Day it has been a fun  day.

Have a wonderful Spring holiday everyone and thank you so much for all you support this term and for your wonderful children. They really are a fabulous bunch !!!


Mrs Mc Kim






Week beginning 11.3.24

Hello all and welcome to our blog

In Literacy we are learning to write detailed instructions. We have looked at recipe books and  instructions of how to play a game in order  to find out about the layout and the language features used.  We decided that it would be a good idea to use our PE time to create our own games for others to play. We used various equipment, gave our game a name and a made up a set of rules. We then came back to class and wrote a set of instructions to match our game.  We worked in small groups and next week we will be using these instructions to see if others can play the games that were created.


We have been learning lots in our new Social Studies topic “Farm to Fork” including  seasonality. We researched various food that grow in Great Britain and when these foods are at there best.  We have also been learning about healthy eating and what various foods do for our bodies.

Have a lovely weekend


Mrs McKim and P4/5



Week beginning 4.3.24

Hello again and welcome to our weekly blog.

This week we have been busy celebrating World Book Day by taking part in lots of different Literacy activities.

We had a wonderful opportunity to read the imaginative stories that we have been working on with another class. It was amazing listening to everyone’s unique take on the Midnight Fair  and how so many different stories were created by looking at the same set of pictures.

We also had to research an author.  We searched Roald Dahl.  We made a list of things we wanted to learn about him and researched this.  We found out that  –

“He was a pilot in World War 2” (Cameron)

“His books have been translated into 63 different languages.” (Harrison) .

“His birthday was the 13th September.” (Scarlett).

“His most popular book is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” (Calum)

“He died at 1990, the same year as his book Esio Trot was released.” (Lilian).

“He was a very good boxer.” (Finlay).

Another busy week – so busy that Mrs McKim forgot to take photos!

Have a great weekend


P4/5 and Mrs McKim

Week beginning 26.2.24

Good afternoon

This week in P4/5 has been full and busy.

In Science we were investigating separating solids and liquids using a new method called filtering, where the solids were too small to be separated with a sieve. We used filter paper and discovered it worked well with separating sand and soil from water, but not for instant coffee and sugar as they had dissolved in the water.

We took part in a whole class debate “Should the Titanic be raised from the Ocean?” We worked in teams – The Proposers and the Opposers  and turned our class into a debating chamber. Everyone worked hard to put their point across and debate the reasons for the motion. We followed the rules of a debate perfectly.

We had a visit from one of our parents who brought in a Morse Code machine. This was so exciting and we were delighted to have a turn and creating our own message. What a treat! Thank you so much to our lovely parent.


Have a lovely weekend


Mrs McKim and P4/5