All posts by C Norman

Friday 8th December

This week we were learning about weight.

We made our scales at the tuff tray and used a hanger to make a scale.

We sorted things that were light and heavy.

We were sorting the shells to see what ones were heavier.

We were weighing the animals.

We used the board to answer true and false questions.

Did you know a Triceratops is 4.2million gummy bears in weight!

A cow weighs 2,222 cartons of milk.

We made a bridge on a construction site. We were builders. We made little humans cross the bridge and the cars had to go under it.

We made a safe castle for animals.


Not everyone is in our blog pictures this week because we have been so busy preparing for our Nativity but we don’t want to share pictures of it yet! We look forward to seeing you on Thursday for our show!

Friday 1st December!

With so many bugs going around we decided to learn how to wash our hands properly!

We used glitter to act as the germs and then we needed to use soap and water to get rid of them properly!


For St Andrew’s Day we were doing some Scottish Highland Dancing in the gym hall before we went back to class and wrote stories about our own Highland cows.

In the gym hall we listened to different types of music and moved around with how it made it  feel. We got very tired!


Friday 24th November – Road Safety Week

We love sharing all the things we are working on outside of school.

This week was Road Safety Week.

We went to the cycle track to look at all the road signs.

We pretended we were cars and we had to follow the signs instructions.

At the crossing we worked on crossing safely.



Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday 17th November

We have been sharing our adventures from out of school. We have made kindness chains, awesome artwork and achieved a medal from a gymnastics display.

On Monday when we came in we started to learn all about money.

At woodland we went in search of splashing puddles!


In PE we continued looking at fitness and made a circuit to help us stay fit and healthy.

We have had a great week again in Primary 2C.

Have a super weekend!

Friday 10th November

Today we made poppies for Remembrance Day.

We love sharing our learning from home too!

Maira and Minna shared their book from their Umrah journey.

We made a BIG bonfire!

I made sure the people were safe from the bonfire!

We created firework pictures using chalk and pastels.

We made our bonfire using dry leaves.

We liked making the chalk pictures.

They gave us messy hands!!

We created the fireworks by drawing lines.

We built the Houses of Parliament that Guy Fawkes had tried to blow up.

We used straws to blow the paint and make fireworks.


In numeracy we learnt about ‘more than’ and ‘less than’.


Last week our story of the week was Room on the Broom.


We learnt about ordinal numbers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.

We put ourselves in order of our characters.

We were acting as the characters.

In P.E. we used our characters to help us keep fit.

In the woodland we needed to collect sticks and make brooms.

The autumn leaves were crunching.

How many of us could fit on the broomstick?

The dragon from the story came to read it to us.


Have a super weekend Primary 2C!

Primary 2C Sea Life Centre Trip

On Monday Primary 2C visited the Sea Life Centre.

We had such a great time and we were excellent role models for our school. Mrs Norman was so impressed with our questions and knowledge.

Take a look at some of our photographs from the day and ask us all about them.

We still have more photographs to share next week.

Back to school – Friday 27th October

This week we explored the layers of the ocean and compared the depths of different sea creatures. We really enjoyed looking at the website and I am sure we would love to look at it with you.


We tried some different science experiments linked to the sea.


We poured vinegar on some shells. They bubbled when the vinegar reacted with the sand and the shells. We can’t wait to see if they change over the weekend.

There were split opinions about the smell of vinegar!

We experimented with the difference between salt water and fresh water to help things float.

The salt water should make things float easier but we discovered we would need a lot more salt than the two big tubs we poured in with the amount of water we had in the tub.

We had asked about under water volcanoes. We discovered that they occur because of the movement of tectonic plates, just like earthquakes.

We added a jar of warm water in to the cold water tub to see how they reacted.

Despite waiting in anticipation, there wasn’t a big reaction.

Our very curious class wondered what would happen if we made the water in the jar even hotter. They know that volcanoes are hot so we must need really warm water.

By adding more blue food colouring they got to see the water exploding out of the jar!


Please remember we have our school trip on Monday.

Children should bring their water bottle and a snack that can fit in their pocket. Children will be supplied a packed lunch unless otherwise stated.

We can’t wait to share our visit to the Sea Life Centre with you in next weeks blog!

Hello Autumn! Friday 13th October

Today was the last day before the October holidays.

We had lots of fun playing in the classroom and saying goodbye to our friend Dhruv.

At woodland this week we went on an autumn hunt to find signs of autumn.

We made a leaf pile with lots of leaves. It was very fun!

We found some berries that the birds and small animals might eat. 

Our story of the week was ‘Hello Autumn’

Autumn was very worried about things going wrong.

Holly brought in a very creative flower.

We made some creative sandcastles.


We hope you all have a fabulous holiday and we will see you soon.

Friday 6th October – Maths Week Scotland

This week we have been looking at ‘Maths in Motion’.

We were using different objects from around the classroom to measure different parts of the classroom.

We measured the carpet with rulers. It took about 13 rulers to go across the carpet.


We used cubes to measure the carpet. It took around 200 cubes.

We measured using blocks.

We measured with the metre stick!

The chair was less than one metre.

We measured our friends with our feet.

We used our feet to measure the carpet.

We measured around the tuff tray with our feet.

When we were talking about maths in motion we discussed moving parts.

Clocks have cogs that turn and help us to tell the time. All the cogs have to work together.

In the MUGA we made our own clock, we were the cogs and we moved together. We had to use team work. 

We read a story called ‘How to Code a Sandcastle’ where we learnt that coding is just a set of instructions! We are looking forward to making our own codes next week.

We were looking at under the sea habitats and creating our own with boxes, playdough and sticks.

Friday 15th September

This week we went into the woodland to explore for our first woodland session of Primary 2.

We went on a scavenger hunt to find things in nature.

We had a great time and it was fun.

It was fun when we were hunting for things. We had a good time.

We worked together to find everything. Each of us had a job to do so we could find everything in the scavenger hunt.

We enjoyed finding all the things. We all took turns. It was fun.

We tried our best to find everything. We enjoyed it.

It was really fun. We were working together.

We enjoyed our hunt, we thought we found a mushroom in the teepee but it was just a shell. We had a brilliant time. I liked the scavenger hunt.

The only things we couldn’t find were water and a real mushroom!

We found a spider and looked at it closer.

We all had a great time!