Friday 22nd March

Primary 2 continued to investigate art and a range of artists this week. As you can see we are exploring not only the art styles but the inspiration behind them.   We really enjoyed our visit from Mr Wilson on Friday when he came to teach us about the artist Piet Mondrian. We can’t wait until Monday and we can show Mr Wilson our finished works of art. This week we have enjoyed the first of our ‘Show and Tell’ sessions. All the children who have shared so far have confidently told us all about their special item and why they selected it. It has been lovely to see such a varied range of discussion topics and see the children’s confidence grow, not only as the speaker but by asking inquisitive questions. Well done Primary 2C! Here are a few of our speakers from this week. Have a wonderful weekend!

P2C are artists!!!

This week we discovered that we are all super artists!

We learned about mixing colours, using line, shape and colour in a picture.

We created our own artwork, inspired by Pablo Picasso.

We thought carefully about the detail when we were creating our own.

Friday 8th March

Primary 2C have had a fantastic week celebrating World Book Day and nurturing a love of reading.

After reading ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ our classroom chairs decided they were going to quit until we remembered to always treat them with respect. We had to get creative about where to work in the classroom without seats. Thankfully as a class we wrote some very persuasive letters and the chairs returned to us!

On World Book Day Primary 7 came down to our class to read us the books they had written and illustrated.

Friday 1st March

The children were so excited for the first day of Spring today. We are looking forward to exploring Spring over the next few weeks.


On Monday we were working on our reading and writing skills by learning a new game. Why not ask us to play it at home.


On Monday afternoon we were very lucky and got to do a video call with a BBC Scotland weather reporter who taught us some Gaelic songs and words as well as telling us all about how she can forecast the weather. Thank you to our friends in the other Primary 2 classes for organising and joining us.


In the woodland we decided to let our creative sides free and create pictures using only things we found outside. We think you will agree they all look fantastic!

As we were leaving the woodland the rain started and very soon a rainbow, we all enjoyed dancing in the rain!!

Have a fabulous weekend!