Friday 23rd February

This week our outdoor PE got cancelled because of the rain! We improvised and moved our tables in the classroom to start learning some tennis skills!

We had such good fun with tennis.

The balls kept bouncing away.

It was hard at first, but it did get easier.

We really liked it!

On Wednesday and Thursday we got to join a video call with a BBC weather reporter to learn some Gaelic as part of our Super Scotland topic.


Happy weekend!

Friday 16th February

Primary 2C hope you enjoyed coming in to visit us last week for the open afternoons.

This week we visited the front corridor to see our house banners. We created them at the house spirit afternoon led by the house captains. We enjoyed pointing out our own flowers.

This week we got more equipment for jumping and balancing in gymnastics.


It was like a gymnastics obstacle course with different stations. We worked in groups together.

I enjoyed the forward rolling.

I enjoyed doing all the obstacle course tasks.

I liked doing everything!

I liked doing the pencil jump off the high bench.

Have a lovely weekend!!

Last weeks learning

We were so busy last week we wanted to share some more of our learning with you.

We were learning about different types of Scottish animals.

There were lots of facts about the animals that we used to make a poster.


In the woodland we were focusing on Scotland themed activities.

We were making some bridges.

We made some flags.

We got covered in mud!   We worked together.

We shared some Scottish things we had at home.

With Miss McLemon we were looking at the moon and stars.

In Numeracy we looked at different ways to collect information and share it for our data handling topic.

Have a great week P2C!

Friday 2nd February



We had such a busy Friday afternoon with Mr Wilson in class we never got to look through our blog photographs to share our learning!

We will look at them together on Monday and share a blog then.

For now here is a preview of our afternoon…