Friday 24th November – Road Safety Week

We love sharing all the things we are working on outside of school.

This week was Road Safety Week.

We went to the cycle track to look at all the road signs.

We pretended we were cars and we had to follow the signs instructions.

At the crossing we worked on crossing safely.



Have a fabulous weekend!

Friday 17th November

We have been sharing our adventures from out of school. We have made kindness chains, awesome artwork and achieved a medal from a gymnastics display.

On Monday when we came in we started to learn all about money.

At woodland we went in search of splashing puddles!


In PE we continued looking at fitness and made a circuit to help us stay fit and healthy.

We have had a great week again in Primary 2C.

Have a super weekend!

Friday 10th November

Today we made poppies for Remembrance Day.

We love sharing our learning from home too!

Maira and Minna shared their book from their Umrah journey.

We made a BIG bonfire!

I made sure the people were safe from the bonfire!

We created firework pictures using chalk and pastels.

We made our bonfire using dry leaves.

We liked making the chalk pictures.

They gave us messy hands!!

We created the fireworks by drawing lines.

We built the Houses of Parliament that Guy Fawkes had tried to blow up.

We used straws to blow the paint and make fireworks.


In numeracy we learnt about ‘more than’ and ‘less than’.


Last week our story of the week was Room on the Broom.


We learnt about ordinal numbers, 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.

We put ourselves in order of our characters.

We were acting as the characters.

In P.E. we used our characters to help us keep fit.

In the woodland we needed to collect sticks and make brooms.

The autumn leaves were crunching.

How many of us could fit on the broomstick?

The dragon from the story came to read it to us.


Have a super weekend Primary 2C!

Primary 2C Sea Life Centre Trip

On Monday Primary 2C visited the Sea Life Centre.

We had such a great time and we were excellent role models for our school. Mrs Norman was so impressed with our questions and knowledge.

Take a look at some of our photographs from the day and ask us all about them.

We still have more photographs to share next week.