Friday 15th September

This week we went into the woodland to explore for our first woodland session of Primary 2.

We went on a scavenger hunt to find things in nature.

We had a great time and it was fun.

It was fun when we were hunting for things. We had a good time.

We worked together to find everything. Each of us had a job to do so we could find everything in the scavenger hunt.

We enjoyed finding all the things. We all took turns. It was fun.

We tried our best to find everything. We enjoyed it.

It was really fun. We were working together.

We enjoyed our hunt, we thought we found a mushroom in the teepee but it was just a shell. We had a brilliant time. I liked the scavenger hunt.

The only things we couldn’t find were water and a real mushroom!

We found a spider and looked at it closer.

We all had a great time!