25th August 2023

Primary 2C have been very busy this week learning all our new routines and working with our new friends.

In numeracy we were working on targets to 10 and playing games.

Beth – It was quite fun!

Connor – I liked playing the game. I was trying to get to the house.

We worked on our listening skills to draw a picture. We all got the same instructions but all our pictures looked different.

Minna – They looked different because we are all different!

We were drawing some silly pictures and pictures that linked to our interests.

Ayyoub and Ibrahim enjoyed playing find the missing number.

Ellis – I had to match the days of the week games. I was helping my friends.

Some of our Primary 2’s enjoyed making different models this week.

In the MUGA we were learning about following instructions.

Emily – we needed to follow the beats to the music with the instruments.

Mrs Norman taught us how to play BINGO.

Elliot – It was a lot of fun!

On Thursday we pretended we were in the circus and we had to walk on a tightrope before sitting under the circus tent.

Yesterday we decided we wanted to learn about sea creatures and under the sea. We started by making our own sea creatures after we looked at pictures and videos.


Have a lovely weekend!