A busy week…

P2B have has a busy week learning and having fun!

Since it is anti-bullying week P6 came into the class to talk about kindness and helped P2 create a heart of kindness for someone

We enjoyed going out into the garden for some fresh air!

We played some word bingo, guess the word cup and spell using the word mat activities during Literacy!

And analysed our hands under UV light to see how good our hand washing had been with some glitter potion!

Hope everyone has a good weekend, see you on Monday!

World Book week in P2B!

P2B have had a busy week doing lots of book week activities!

We read the story of The Three Little pigs and then sequenced the story!

We have been creating our own books in our writing area!


We had a reading scavenger hunt where we had to look through books to find our clues!

We also had random 10 minutes of reading time, where we picked any book we wanted to read!

We also read the Rocketmole as a class and had a go at making our very own catapult!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! See you on Monday 🙂

A fun filled week for P2B!

P2B have had anther week full of learning and fun!

We enjoyed our time out in woodlands.

We were practising our letter shapes in P.E as well outside in the muga

We made poppies for Remembrance Day!

And everyday we have been doing our DLL (Daily Literacy Learning) where we read books, do word  games, practise our writing fluency and much more!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! See you all next week!

A busy week for P2B!

P2b have had another busy week with lots of learning and many activities!

We went out to woodlands and enjoyed the autumn weather!

We enjoyed practising  our shapes in P.E

We have been learning about Diwali and made beautiful diya lamps and rangoli on paper plates!

We also learnt all about Guy Fawkes and made our very own sparklers!

I hope everyone celebrating has a wonderful Diwali,  a safe Guy Fawkes and a lovely weekend. See you all on Monday!