Time, Painting and More!

We have had a great first week back in P1C!

In Art, we are exploring colour we looked at the colour wheel and how we can mix colours together to make different colours. We mixed yellow and blue together to make green and created our own pictures.

“You dip the brush in and mix well to make the colour.”

“We mixed yellow with blue and got green.”

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about how we keep healthy. We discussed why it is important to keep healthy and what we do to keep healthy.

“We eat fruit and vegetables to keep healthy.”

“I keep healthy by dancing and running.”

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been learning about time. We discussed the seasons and the features of each season. We also looked at the features of a clock and we loved using the clocks to show different o’clock times.

“I know o’clock.”

“I like summer best!”

We enjoyed writing about our holidays this week and we have been working hard to use our knowledge of rhyme and sounds to create different rhyming lists.