A Busy Couple of Weeks in P1C!

We have been to the woodland and have been exploring and looking at the different areas to see what we could add or remove to make the woodland a better space! We came up with some really super ideas….

“A treehouse would make the woodland better!” – EB

“We would like to add a new tent as the old one is a bit wet with some holes in it!” – JG

“I would like a climbing frame and a tyre swing!” – JN


In P.E over the last two weeks we have been doing athletics! We have been taking part in some running games and practising our relay races.

“We got the baton and had to put the hoops over our heads and then we ran again” – MA

“We had fun doing some relay races” – IT


We have also been learning about the importance of recycling and looking at what items we can and can’t recycle! In groups we then sorted out items for recycling into their correct recycling bins. This was great for helping with our cutting skills and our team work!

“We were putting the right rubbish in the right bins!” – FL

It is important…

“…so the animals don’t get hurt in all the rubbish” – IH


In dance over the last couple of weeks the children have been learning and making up different dance moves and then creating their own dances in pairs. We had lots of discussion around the music and around timings and staying in time with each other! They then showed these to the class! Super dancing P1C!

Here are some final photos of some of the children exploring pattern and some searching for common words within their reading books!