All posts by Miss Regan

Literacy in P1C!

We have covered all of our single sounds and we are beginning to learn all of the Phonemes such as oa, ai, sh, th and ch. We are now using our knowledge of sounds to blend them together to make words.

We have been creating sentence chains and storyboards to help develop our reading and writing skills.

We have been working hard to create rhyming lists!

We also enjoy playing bingo to help us practice reading our words and identifying our letters.

We love using the magnetic boards to help us to spell!

We have also been working hard in our writing to sound out our words and use finger spaces.



Addition and Money in P1C!

We have been busy learning all about addition! We can recognise the addition sign and the equals sign. We have been having great fun learning our number stories for numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5!

We have also been working hard learning to count on from the bigger and writing our calculations different ways.

We enjoyed playing carpark addition, we had to drive the car that had the answer to calculation into the correct parking spot.

We have also bee working hard creating number lines with numicon and cubes!

We can also recognise and sort our coins into the correct category.





Outdoor Fun in P1C!

We have had great fun out and woodland and in our outdoor area this week.

We were measuring our sticks to see which one was the biggest and see what stick would fit in the space.

We also had great fun cooking some delicious food in our kitchen.

We were also hunting for letters and creating pictures in our environment.

There was also some ice in our outdoor area that we enjoyed exploring. It was bit cold and looked like glass so we made sure we were very careful with it!

We even had time to fit in a trip to the shops!


Adventures in P1C!

This week in PE we started gymnastics. We have had great fun learning all our gymnastics shapes both indoors and outdoors and learning new partner balances. We can’t wait to start using the equipment next week!

This week we also learned about Road Safety and how we can be safe when crossing the road. We had great fun outdoors at the cycle track practicing how to cross the road safely but we had to watch out for the fast cars coming! We also created our own road maps.

In DYW, we made bug hotels and finished off planting our lovely plants for our outdoor area. We learned about ways we can encourage wildlife into our outdoor area and how to care for living things. We had so much fun doing this!

We can’t wait for another great week of learning!



Literacy Adventures in P1C!

This week in literacy we have been learning more new sounds and to help with out letter formation we practice making our new letters in lots of different ways.

We’ve also been practising matching pictures to the correct sound.

In reading, we have been learning how to sequence a story and we are excellent at identify the beginning, middle and end of our stories. 

Now that we know so many new sounds, we are beginning to blend our sounds together to make lots of different words. We are very good at finding rhyming words and spelling these words as well.

We love sharing all our wonderful learning with you, look out for more adventures next week!





P1C’s Learning Adventures!

Welcome back to our class blog!

In maths this week, we have been practising our counting and we can count forwards and backwards from different numbers. We have also been learning about numbers before and after and we used our number fans to show our answers.


We’ve been learning to identify missing numbers from a number line and have been creating our own number lines.

We were adding numbers using different amounts of numicon, for example we knew that three and one made four.

We have also been exploring fractions and to do this we had a teddy bear picnic. We had to decide how to share the food equally, some items had to be cut and some items had to be counted and shared out.  We compared the parts of food we had cut and discussed halves and making sure each part was equal.

We also love creating numbers in our construction area!

Within DYW, we are learning about sustainability and we used our knowledge of shapes to create these amazing recycled robots!


Look out for next weeks adventures!




Outdoor Adventures in P1C!

In our Outdoor Learning Area, we were investiagting how to use the water pump to squirt the water. We thought the water pump was like a fire hose and we were adding water to  fire hydrant.

We were also working together to make potions. To create our potions we used different ingredients like sticks, stones and leaves.

We also built towers and we were comparing which tower was taller. We used our maths skills to count and compare the number of crates we used.  The taller tower had 2 more crates than the smaller tower.

We also worked together to build a den. The roof kept falling down! So we had to do a bit of problem solving to try and work out how to get it to stay up. We used sticks to hold it up and tyres to stabilise it.

Lastly, as part of our topic for People Who Help Us, we were visited by Cathy our Lollipop Lady and PC McAllister who told us all about their job!

We look forward to sharing more of our learning adventures with you.












P1C’s Adventures

In our topic about ‘People Who Can Help Us’ we were discussing how the dentist helps look after our teeth. We know the dentist use special tools to look after our teeth and we need to brush our teeth two times a day. The dentist checks to see if there is any plaque or bad stuff on our teeth.

“We were scrubbing the teeth clean like the dentist.” Rhys

“We were making sure the plaque was away so we needed to scrub them to make them really shiny.” Sofia

“I’m getting all the plaque off the teeth because plaque makes holes in your teeth.” Ben S


“I’m brushing the tooth so it doesn’t get a filling.” Mia

We have also been discussing how fire engines get their water and today we found a fire hydrant and it was the same shape as a rectangle!

In art this week, we were making collages out of lots of different materials.

“I was making a fish using lots of things.” Daniel

“I was making a snowflake picture and I used glue, a pink love heart and blue sequins.” Willow

We’ve had another amazing week of learning!

Welcome to P1C’s First Class Blog

Welcome to our first class blog!

We have all settled in so well to Primary 1 and we can’t wait to share our learning journey with you!

In Literacy we have been working hard learning about rhyme, alliteration and all our new sounds.

We have been using all our areas to explore writing our new sounds and we have learned rhymes to help us with this. We practice this in lots of different ways.

Every day we are spending time to reinforce all of our sounds through different activities. We have been enjoying finding objects and pictures that start with a certain sound around our classroom and outdoor environment. We have been drawing pictures and discussing the sounds that they begin with, along with sorting items by their initial sound.

We look forward to sharing more of our learning experiences with all of you!  Watch this space…