All posts by Miss Regan

P1C Maths Adventures

We have been working hard in maths this week!

We continue to build our knowledge of our number bonds to 10. Here we are creating towers of 10 with numicon, each layer has got to be a different way to make 10!

We were blending our words to read the Days of the Week. We can get them in the correct order!

We have also been learning about time. We can identify and match o’clock.

We also had great fun creating our own clocks.

We are getting really fast at solving addition calculations.  Here, we have correctly answered the calculations on the cards. We use different strategies like cubes, our fingers and a number line to help us count.




Outdoor Learning in P1C!

In our outdoor area, we were exploring how to safely use a hammer and nails. It was tiring work but we had great fun hammering the nails into the wood.

We also had great fun creating a pirate ship and being pirates on the ship!

Here we are preapring yummy mud pies for the pirates to eat.

We also created our own beam to practice our balancing, we were very good and didn’t fall off.

We also explore making different ramps. We made a ramp to create our own waterfall, we made it steep so that the water would run down the ramp fast.





Problem Solving in P1C!

This week we worked together to solve different problems. We were set a challenge to move the water from one bucket to another bucket.  We weren’t allowed to lift the bucket or use spoons to transport the water. We had to work with each other to come up with a solution. We had so much fun and we completed the challenge!

We have also been learning to log on to the computers, find the drawing app and draw a picture. We really enjoy using the laptops!

We have also been learning about keeping healthy and we know one way to keep healthy is by eating healthy food.  We sorted through all the different food items and selected healthy options for our lunch boxes. 



P1C Hard at Work!

We have been working hard on our reading skills. We can tell each other the main ideas from the text and describe what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story.

We have been working hard learning our tricky words. We practice them by making them in playdough, painting them and searching for them around our room.

We also like playing games to practise reading our tricky words.

In Gymnastics we have been working hard on our partner balances and using our equipment to balance, jump and roll.






P1C- Symmetry, Shape and Number Bonds!

In Maths, we have been exploring symmetry and we created symmetrical pictures using different loose parts.

We also created symmetrical butterflies!

We have also been exploring 2D and 3D shapes! Here we are using our data handling skills to sort out the different shapes.

We are continuing to build our knowledge of our number bonds to 10 and have been enjoying creating number bond caterpillars for lots of different numbers.

In our playdough area, we have been applying our measuring skills to make playdough for everyone to explore.



Outdoor Adventures in P1C!

We had great fun exploring outdoors! We were exploring the different ways we could transport water from the tub to the tuff spot. We used great problem solving skills and worked as a team to think of different ideas and create our own river of water.

We also enjoyed using the chalk to create lots of different stories about our families, dinosaurs and rainbows! We also made a treasure map that we had to follow!

We were busy in the kitchen making yummy mud pies for everyone to eat!

We enjoyed building different ramps and testing how fast or slow each object rolled down the ramp. We made lots of steep ramps because this made things roll much faster!



P1C PE and Electricity!

It was great to be back in school with all our friends, we have been enjoying sharing our stories of our adventures from our holiday.

In PE we have been continuing to work on our gymnastics shapes, we are now experts at all our shapes.   We also enjoy playing the balance game Miss Regan shouts a number and we need to balance with 1,2,3,4 or 5 body parts!

We have also been practicing all the ways we can roll and we are very good at our forward rolls. We have also started practicing handstands.

We also love practicing our partner balances.

We have also been discussing electricity and how we keep safe. We know that electricity comes from five different sources and we can identify things that have electricity and things that do not.








Christmas Fun in P1C!

We had a great time at our Christmas Party yesterday!

We also had delicious food and got to play lots of party games!

We were so excited that Santa took time out of his busy schedule to come visit us and give us presents. 

We have also been enjoying making calendars as we know when we come back to school that it is a new year.

We have also been busy creating Christmas List of the gifts that we can give to our family!

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year!

Nativity Fun and Learning Adventures in P1C!

We are exploring Data Handling! We know we can organise real objects by matching and sorting information. We also conducted our own surveys and made our own pictograms.

In reading, we have been working hard sequencing the events of our stories in order, making predictions and sequencing sentences.

We are continuing to work hard spelling our CVC words, we have been doing this in lots of different ways.


Thank you to everyone who came and watched us perform our Nativity. We worked so hard learning all our lines, songs and dances. We had so much fun performing and we hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!


Our Week of Adventures in P1C!

P1C welcomed some special visitors who helped us learn more about how babies grow and develop new skills in the first year of their life. We enjoyed asking questions and seeing what some of our pupils younger siblings could do. Thank you to both of our parents who brought in their babies to help us learn more about their needs and how to look after them.

We have been learning all about the seasons and the differences in each season. We had to sort out the clothes into summer, winter and the clothes we might wear in summer and winter.

We have also been enjoying using dominos to create maths calculations.

We have been continuing to work hard on our reading words and have been enjoying playing bingo to help reinforce them!

We have also been continuing to work hard to create our own sentences!


We had a special delivery to P1C! Mrs Jamieson brought a parcel into P1 delivered from the North Pole! It had a special elf inside and a letter from Santa! We voted to name our Elf, Elfie Elliot! We are so excited to see what adventures he has been up too each day. We also have a special book to write about his adventures.