All posts by Miss Bishop

Marvellous Maths and Hilarious Holi

Another fabulous week in Primary 1D. Thank you so much to all the family members who managed along to our Open Afternoon. We hope you enjoyed hearing all about our Castle Topic and creating our Jack & The Beanstalk planters. We are excitedly watching all the magic beans to see which beanstalk reaches the castle first.








We have been continuing to work on our number bond knowledge in Maths with Miss Adair and on our Measurement skills with Mr McDonald.

This week we said goodbye to Mr McDonald who has been with us for 6 weeks. We wish him all the best in his future studies. We celebrated the end of his placement with a Holi Colour Celebration.

Fortunately, Mrs Dougall was able to take the children back to class while poor Mr McDonald stayed behind to tidy up.

Coding Our Human Beebots in P1C!

P1C brought their coding skills to life out in the woodland when they had to direct their partner/human Beebot to the treasure they had buried. They counted the number of steps they had to go and gave directions telling each other which way to turn and using positional language such as, forward 15, turn left or right. They had to evaluate and amend their instructions after watching their partner try them out, using skills such as counting on and adding. They also had to make sure they avoided any obstacles in their path.