All posts by Mrs O'Meara

World Book Day P1C

P1C enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities as part of World Book Day. They put their detective skills to the test by going on a book hunt which was organised by P7 pupils. They had to find lots of different books that had been hidden around the playground.

They also brought in their favourite books from home to share with each other, allowing them to find out about different types of books and to give them some ideas and suggestions for new books they might like to read.

Inspired by the author visit we took part in with Christopher Duke who wrote Lucy’s Blue Day we looked at how authors get ideas for their stories and became authors for the day and had a great time creating our own books.

P1C Minibeasts and More!

P1C were delighted to return to the woodland this afternoon. They were keen to hunt for minibeasts, looking under logs and digging in the ground. They compared different types of worms and looked at slugs and how they differed from worms. They also enjoyed solving problems, working together and making trails to lead each other from one part of the woodland to the other.  They hunted for gems, created their own obstacle course and estimated, counted and compared amounts of stones. They also enjoyed creating music and forming their own stick band!

“I am going to use this for a tyre race.”

Searching for worms in the mud.

We are looking for gems.

I have found a slug, it is leaving a trail.

“On our obstacle course you have to balance on the bench and you can slide down the pole.”

“I have lots of stones, I think there is about 20.”

“I think there is less than 20.”

“There are 26 that is more than 20, I am going to get more to make 100. I can count to 100.”

“We can use the sticks for drumming to make music.”

“We have created our own band.”

“We are working together to balance and keep each other from falling. If someone pushes it back. The other person can catch it, 1,2,3 go!”


Exploring habitats and mud with P1B

We found some holes in the ground at the woodland and talked about different animal habitats. We came up with some suggestions for what might live down them. We measured how deep each hole was and compared them, thinking about the sizes of different animals and who would be best suited to each space.

We also noticed some birds singing today and discussed how birds migrate to hotter countries in the winter.

We had fun in the mud, making a mud slide, building a home out of mud and creating our own mud monsters game.

We looked at talking turns to make things fair and decided who would be 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

We had lots of fun…….


P1a’s Big Bug Hunt

This week the damp moist coniditions made it perfect weather for bug spotting. We searched under logs and stones and dug around in the mud. We discussed the different types of bugs, looked at their body parts and how they move and built a bridge and a dam for them.

I am going to draw pictures and write about the minibeasts I see.

Bugs live here. Under the logs.

I found a worm. Look at it wriggling.

I can see more when I look through it.

What is hiding in the mud, keep digging and we will see.

We saw two worms and are trying to push the log down to find some more.

We found a woodlouse and a spider.

A home for a bug with a bridge for crossing.

Some other things we engoyed doing and making this session………

This is our den, you can sit here, what can we use for a seat?

I enjoy the swing.

I enjoyed finding bugs, worms are my favourite.

I will help you with your boot.

I want to study bugs when I grow up.

I want to be a bug explorer.

I am looking at all the different types of stones.

This is the easiest way up, it is faster when you go back down.





P1A’s Windy Woodland Adventure.

This week we further investigated forces by looking at the force of the wind.

We used it to create a hammock, a house, a den and a parachute. We looked at how the direction, in which, the wind was blowing affected what we were trying to do and discovered it was harder to walk, run and swing against the force of the wind.


 Hold on tight!

I can use the wind to balance.

 We enjoyed listening to the wind and feeling it on our faces. We thought it sounded like a werewolf howling when blowing through the trees!

 We also used different items to help us through the mud and helped each other to climb muddy slops and hills.

 You can use a stick to help you.


You can go this way instead, it is easier.

 We enjoyed making our teepee camouflage so it was hidden and then wrote secret messages and created patterns on it.

Other photos from our visit this week……


P1A Investgate weight, volume, forces and friction.

We noticed how much the temperature had changed since our last trip to the woodland and looked at ways of keeping warm by building shelters, rubbing our hands together, using different layers such as gloves and pockets or running around to make our blood pump faster.

We can add this to the den. It is a good shelter.

Running and moving keeps us warm.

If you rub your hands together it can keep you warm.

In class we have been exploring different materials and this helped us to look at what happens to our gloves when they get wet or muddy, some remained waterproof and others didn’t.

 We found lots of different items to make seats for the inside of our den. We compared the weight of the items and for some of the heavier items we had to work together to move them. We investigated ways to make moving the objects easier such as rolling them with our hands and feet and using different amounts of force. We discovered it was easier to move items down hills or slopes and how to manoeuvre round different obstacles.


When moving water around we looked at different containers to find out which held the most. We worked out if we filled the bigger bath we could move the water quicker as it holds more.

Here are some other photos of our session……



P1D Woodland Week 2 Mud Glorious Mud!

We had an amazing afternoon down at the woodland today. There had been lots of rain since we were last there which allowed us to explore and investigate the mud!

We are going on a mud hunt……..

We can’t go through it – We can jump over it.

Muddy alliteration – “I am a messy muddy monster.”

“I am making a house out of mud.”

Mud slides.

“The rain made the mud.”

“When I put my foot in here it makes a great noise.”

Can you make it through the muddy maze without slipping?  Which path will you chose?

You can use the trees to help. Hold on tight!

We transferred the rain water from place to place.  ” We are making our own puddle.”

We also searched under the logs and collected bugs.

” Come and see how many creatures we have.”

“This worm is like a chameleon it has changed colour to be like it’s surroundings.”

We hid from giants! “There is a giant, quick.”

“We built 2 doors on our house.”

And made our own Drive Thru! “If you order something I will bring it to you.”

“Have you decided what you would like to eat?”

We also enjoyed kooking for buried treasure under the stones.

Here are some more photos of our adventures and investigations…….


P1D Woodland Week 1

We had a wonderful morning down at the woodland and enjoyed many different imaginative scenarios………

“Our car got stuck in the mud and the mud sprayed all over it. A big tanker came to help clean it up.”

“We heard a spitfire overhead and are using the teepee to shelter in.”

Collecting ingredients for our cake.

Sliding down the fireman’s pole

” Our pirate ship is on fire, so we are climbing the rigging.”

We also enjoyed climbing, running and exploring speed, position, direction and movement……..

Catch me if you can!

“I can stand on top of it.”

You have to move backwards and forwards and use your knees to make it swing.

“If you go on top, I will go underneath.”

“If we start further back it does not go as fast.”

We used our maths skills for adding and finding doubles…….

“If you get 2 and I get 2 that would be 4.  We need 4 more again that would be 8.”

Exploring nature: we looked at lots of different types of plants and discussed how some are still green and how others have lost all their leaves. We discussed different features such as smell and talked about other plants we knew of that smelled nice.

“My gran has lavender.”

“I am growing rosemary at home.”

Some more photos of our adventures……..




This Week’s Woodland Experiences With P1C

The weather this week changed our woodland environment and outdoor areas and provided us with lots of interesting learning experience to explore such as ice and frost. It also influenced some of our creative and imaginative experiences such as the delicious warming food we made and shared. We enjoyed working together, solving problems, creating our own games and alliteration poems.

1,2, 3 swing.

“Try putting your tummy on it like this.”

“Ready, steady, go!”

Exploring the mud and the s sound.

Sticky, squelchy, slimy and soaking!

Keeping cozy. It’s much warmer in here because there is no wind.

“I am selling soup to keep everyone warm.”

“ This is my stew it is leeks, mud and water.”

“It’s our builders shop.”

We created their own game. It was called Wallby and you had to get the ball over the wall.

“Put your foot on the bottom and try to flip it over.”

We were exploring alliteration. Rolling, ribbon and robot all begin with the r sound. We then came up with our own alliteration poems.

Rolling goes round and round.

The wolf likes wind, water and winter on a Wednesday.

We worked together to solve the problem of how to fix the bottom rung of the ladder, which was broken. We needed to tie a new knot. We also came up with the solution of moving a tyre over so that we could reach the first rung of the ladder as it was now higher up the tree.

Some more action shots to share with you……

P1C Woodland week 1

We enjoyed a lovely morning in the woodland learning and working together. Here are some of our highlights…….


Follow the leader.

 Through the maze to the top.


 A secret passage!


We found slugs, worms and eggs.


Let’s check under the logs, we need a lot of force to move it, Can you help?

 What will we find in the water?

Moving with control and trying to predict which direction we end up facing.

Is it a paw print or a hand print? What do you think?