P1a reading and writing!

P1a’s Literacy skills are developing very well!

We are working hard every day to learn more and more new sounds and practise saying the sounds the letters make. We also practise forming the letters correctly.







We are getting better at thinking which letter begins a word.



















Our skills in sounding out all the letters to read a word are progressing well.  We play bingo games, online games and word champion games and are getting more confident at blending the sounds together!



















Brooke ” I wrote the first sound of each of the pictures and it made the word sit!”

Kerr ” I made the word ‘sad’.”

We also stretch out words to hear all the sounds to help us write words and sentences.





































We are enjoying reading about Miss Owen and her class!  We can use the vocabulary from the story to make sentences.













Super effort from P1a !

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