P1b The Wonder of Woodland!

We were hunting for autumn treasures we found apples, seeds and leaves. We used our maths skills to compare the different shapes, sizes and types of leaves. Then we sorted them.

We were using our counting and number skills when collecting worms and playing games.

“ I had 4 worms but I lost 1 so now I have 3.”

We made up a game to help practice numbers. “If we say a number you have to jump to that number.”

We enjoyed playing what’s the time Mr Wolf.

Exploring shape and using the logs to make a circle.

We were having a race with the tyres and looked at how we could make them go faster. We made a ramp and that worked well!

We used our literacy skills and created our own story corner. We made up and shared our own spooky stories about skeletons, werewolves and pumpkins.



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