Maths Week in P1D

It is Scottish Maths Week and so the children have been searching all week for the Maths Menace and we have been trying out the new maths resources in our maths trolley.

“We were counting back from 10 to 1 using the numicon to help us”




“We were matching cards and putting them into sets”

“I can count the dots “

“I can splat count on in 2’s”





“We can clap count on in 2’s”

We have been investigating how helicopters are used to rescue people. We found out about the Coastguard and Mountain Rescue . We made our own helicopters.

“Helicopter starts with one of our new sounds H”

We can use our sounds to make our names

We all worked together outdoors to create a staircase number line using items we found in our playground.

It was hard work!

We’ve had another wonderful week of learning!

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