P1a are Mathematicians!

We have been very busy in P.1 and are making fantastic progress in Numeracy and Mathematics.

We are getting more confident with number stories to 10 and can use a number line to help us with addition. We can work out ‘missing numbers’ like 3 and what makes 7 using a number line.

We are also more confident adding 3 numbers and can look for easier ways, for example putting the bigger number first, to help us.


















We practise o’clock times (digital and analogue) and play games in pairs to do this.











We can order the days of the week.  We sing a song to help us remember what comes before/after each day. In class each morning someone is chosen to change the day on our class calendar.






We are getting better at reading number words!






We keep practising our number formation!








We have been learning to make bar graphs and can talk about what we find out looking at the graph.







We have been learning to take away and are beginning to link addition and subtraction facts.


































Well done P1a!

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