Water, Castles and The Pants Game!

This week we welcomed Mr McDonald into our classroom. He has helped us to learn both outdoors and in the classroom. We have been showing him the routines of our school day (and firing water at him across the playground!)






Mrs Dougall learned this week that it is almost impossible to take photos of moving water, but if you look very closely at the photos, you can just see it.






In literacy, we have been writing a book review and using our new sounds to discover new words. We are enjoying writing independently in our play writing jotters.

After a lot of discussion in class, we have decided that we would like to find out about Life in a Castle for our next topic. We all enjoy role playing castle games outside and building castles with the bricks inside and now we are going to learn more about the people who would live in a castle.



In maths we have been using number lines to help with addition and subtraction, making human size number lines and hopping like bunnies.

We enjoy using the PCs in the classroom to help us develop our maths skills. 

I hope everyone has a fabulous mid term break. I’m looking forward to everyone coming back refreshed and ready for more learning and fun.


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