
It was lovely to see everyone back to school smiling , sharing their stories of adventures in the holidays and ready to work hard!

In Numeracy and Mathematics P1a have been learning about symmetry. We looked at nature and noticed creatures which have symmetrical patterns, in particular, the butterfly.

We created symmetrical butterflies using paint.


















We also designed symmetrical butterflies using loose parts. We use our name labels and take photos of our own creations.






















We were given a symmetrical pattern to copy and colour appropriately.








We also use games on the Interactive whiteboard to practise our skills.











We have been practising our pattern making too and enjoy making the patterns more challenging.
















We are learning to read the number words to 10.  Some are quite tricky! We made a number word number line and played games covering numbers up and working out who had moved to the wrong place when some of us  closed our eyes!










We are learning the number bonds for different numbers, and can sort and count coins.























Well done P1a!

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