P1A Investgate weight, volume, forces and friction.

We noticed how much the temperature had changed since our last trip to the woodland and looked at ways of keeping warm by building shelters, rubbing our hands together, using different layers such as gloves and pockets or running around to make our blood pump faster.

We can add this to the den. It is a good shelter.

Running and moving keeps us warm.

If you rub your hands together it can keep you warm.

In class we have been exploring different materials and this helped us to look at what happens to our gloves when they get wet or muddy, some remained waterproof and others didn’t.

 We found lots of different items to make seats for the inside of our den. We compared the weight of the items and for some of the heavier items we had to work together to move them. We investigated ways to make moving the objects easier such as rolling them with our hands and feet and using different amounts of force. We discovered it was easier to move items down hills or slopes and how to manoeuvre round different obstacles.


When moving water around we looked at different containers to find out which held the most. We worked out if we filled the bigger bath we could move the water quicker as it holds more.

Here are some other photos of our session……



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