P1D Woodland Week 1

We had a wonderful morning down at the woodland and enjoyed many different imaginative scenarios………

“Our car got stuck in the mud and the mud sprayed all over it. A big tanker came to help clean it up.”

“We heard a spitfire overhead and are using the teepee to shelter in.”

Collecting ingredients for our cake.

Sliding down the fireman’s pole

” Our pirate ship is on fire, so we are climbing the rigging.”

We also enjoyed climbing, running and exploring speed, position, direction and movement……..

Catch me if you can!

“I can stand on top of it.”

You have to move backwards and forwards and use your knees to make it swing.

“If you go on top, I will go underneath.”

“If we start further back it does not go as fast.”

We used our maths skills for adding and finding doubles…….

“If you get 2 and I get 2 that would be 4.  We need 4 more again that would be 8.”

Exploring nature: we looked at lots of different types of plants and discussed how some are still green and how others have lost all their leaves. We discussed different features such as smell and talked about other plants we knew of that smelled nice.

“My gran has lavender.”

“I am growing rosemary at home.”

Some more photos of our adventures……..




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