P1a are Maths champions!

In Numeracy and Mathematics P.1a are working hard and learning lots!

We have been measuring in non standard units comparing lengths and ordering them in size. We worked with a partner to find out the length of our shoes and tried to work out how many more cubes the bigger shoe was in length.

















Arran- “My shoe is bigger.”












We measured the length of items round the room.

London- “I measured the length of the chair.

We have been working with money identifying coins, sorting them and beginning to use coins to show amounts of money.























Our number  skills are progressing very well. We practise counting every day, identify missing numbers on the number lines, and can order numbers from smallest to largest. We can use the bead strings to show a number and use them in dice games.































We have also been learning to add two numbers together to make a total. We call these calculations!

Stuart- “I counted out the beads and added them together.”

Super Maths work P.1a!

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