Wonderful Woodland Adventures in P1A

P1a had great fun down in the woodland exploring nature, working together, problem solving and making up games. Here are some moments we have captured to share with you……..

Teamwork – We helped each other to move things around and when we got stuck in the mud!

“A magic door.”

“ I will help you with the door.”

“ It goes faster when someone pushes you.”

“Let’s push together.”

Problem solving – We worked out we would need to un- twirl the rope to change direction to  prevent us from hitting the tree.



“We put our apple pie in the oven.” 

We looked at the shapes and different patterns we made with our wellies.

“I am painting the log with mud.”

“We created our own game, this is the safe bit.”

Creating magic potions.

” I am climbing like a monkey.”






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