EWHCF Class of 2024

P3B Friday 22nd November 2019


This week we have been discussing our new topic ‘needs and wants’.  We came up a few different ideas for fundraising events we could hold in the school in order to raise money for charity.


This week is Book Week Scotland.  We all received a bag with two reading books; ‘The Knight who said No’ and ‘You’re called What?!’  We were reading the books in class and the purple group were doing some questions on The Knight who said No.


In Science we finished making our brain hats and we got to take them home.


In DYW last Friday the Learning for Sustainability group were collecting rubbish.  The Life Skills group used thread and cardboard to make hats.  The Design and Manufacture group had to create a waterproof den using natural resources and the Digital Technologies group were programming games.


In P.E we have been doing athletics.  At some of the stations we kept a record of our PB (Personal Best) and tried to beat our own PB every time we took part in the activity.


In Health and Wellbeing we have been learning about our teeth and how to keep them healthy.  As part of an experiment we put an egg in a cup of water, another in a cup of Ribena and a third egg in a cup of coke.  We will leave them for a week to see what happens to them.


In maths, the Obtuse Group have been doing subtraction and have been learning how to calculate vertical sums (chimney sums).  The Reflex Group have been learning about multiplication.  The Acute Group have been learning about addition.



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