Skills Academy
We have had two sessions of Skills Academy this week. In Life Skills we made pompoms using cardboard and wool. We have been using them to decorate out school bags and our bedrooms. In Learning for Sustainability we have been planting dill. We used seeds, water, soil and a cardboard pot. We’re looking forward to watching them grow. In Design and Manufacture we used sticks and marshmallows to make towers. We had to decide how to spend £100 on materials to make the towers. We tested them using jelly to make an earthquake. In Digital Technologies, we used Kodable on laptops and computers. We worked with partners to create algorithms to collect stars with our fuzzy creatures.
Mathematics and Numeracy.
We have been learning to give change and make totals to £1 with coins. It was tricky! We have also been learning about symmetry. If something is symmetrical, one side is the same as the other. We have explored shapes and patterns. We have also looked at the edges, vertices and faces of 3D shapes. We have looked at spheres, triangular prisms, cones, cubes, cuboids, cylinders and square based pyramids. We even made some of the shapes out of paper and lots of sellotape.
We also used symmetry in our play… look at this symmetrical robot base!
We have been practising our clarifying skills. This means working out the meaning. We have used picture clues, other words in the sentences and dictionaries to help us work out the meaning of unknown words.
We have been linking our Social Studies and Science work to make our own tornadoes. We used yellow water and red water and shook it in a circle to make the shape in the jar. It was inside out becuase there was water in the eye of the tornado.