Football Masters

In P.E. we have been learning how to play football. – Cara

We have been learning how to dribble the ball. – Bella

One of the other skills we have been practising is the Ronaldo Chop. This is when you have to trick the other players.  – James

In the Ronaldo Chop you have to kick the ball with your heel behind you. – Bruce

We also learned how to drop the ball and kick it with your thigh. – Evan

We have been learning how to shoot. We learned that we have to kick with the side of our foot. – Luca Fr

We played a football match against another team. – Tia

The class have been learning to work in a team. – Jessica

P2 would like to thank Ian our football coach for teaching us how to play football.

We are looking forward to our football tournament in Barrhead very soon.


Healthy Eating!

Primary 2 have started a new Healthy and Well-being topic on healthy eating and nutrition. The boys and girls have shared their learning with you below…

We can have some foods that are not healthy but not all the time. – Elle

There are 5 food groups. One of them is called fruit and vegetables. – Ben

You should have lots of vegetables like carrots and you can have just some fatty foods like butter. – Tia

Another food group is oils and spreads. – Bruce

You can have some fish or meat. This is in the protein group. – Evan

We can also have some carbohydrates like bread and cereal. – Leaah

We should have just a little bit of dairy every day. This is milk, cheese and yoghurt. – Warren

It is important to have a balanced diet. – Heather and Evan



This week we have been learning exciting things!

We have been learning how to scan non-fiction books – Alfie

Scanning is looking for important words – Lucy

We played ‘who wants be a millionaire’ all about Scotland – Isla

We answered all the questions and we got £1,000,000! – Ross G

We’ve also planned an investigation about plants – Rosie

On Thursday our grown ups came to visit us in school! – Haniya

Our parents came to see our maths and how good we are – Charlotte

They helped us to do maths games on the laptops- Kaitlyn

It was so fun – Ella

P2a Scotland Assembly

A huge well done to Primary 2a who participated in our Scotland assembly this morning – you were all fabulous!

The children have really engaged with our Social Studies topic on a historic individual and places within Scotland, learning about the life of Robert Burns and using non-fiction texts and videos to learn facts about Scotland.

The children are looking forward to showing you their Scotland leaflets which shows their learning about the Scotland flag, cities within Scotland and demonstrates their note-taking skills.

In Art and Technologies they have also created a Burns collage using different materials and 3D models of bagpipes which the children were keen to take home to show you today.

Primary 2a have learned so much throughout this topic already and I would like to thank all of our visitors who attended our assembly this morning. We very much hope you enjoyed!





Here are a  few pictures from this morning’s assembly.

Have a good weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you next Thursday (1st Feb) at our Open Afternoon.


Miss Murchie






PE, Maths, Writing, Reading and Science!


The PE coach came to our PE lesson and taught us how to dribble a football. – Ross J

We learnt to dribble by going through the cones. – Alfie.

In PE we played a game called Dino Football. It was fun and I was in the yellow team! – Olivia

For a warm up in PE we have played different tig game. – Mac

I like football in PE. I like to score goals. – Zakir



We’ve been learning lots of maths. We have been learning about direction. – Haniya

I have been learning about left and right. – Dylan

In maths I have been learning about time. – Isla

I have been learning about time in maths. I know half past and o’clock. – Jenny

We have been learning about inverse number sentences. – Harris

The inverse means the opposite. – Myra

We have been counting in twos. – Emily

We have been learning our number bonds to twenty. – Kaitlyn



In writing we wrote a kenning poem – Charlotte

A kenning poem is a poem that has two words on a line which describes something but does not say its name. – Rosie



We have been practising our handwriting. This week we practised the letter c. – Ava

We have been reading non-fiction books. – Dawud

We have been learning about fiction and non-fiction – Habiba

Non-fiction is real information. – Zara



We have been learning about living and non-living things in science. – Lucy

I know something is living if it can remove waste and reproduce. – Becky

If something is living it can eat, breathe and move by itself. – Cameron

Houses and Homes

Primary 2B have started to learn about different houses and homes around the world.

Firstly, we started to learn about all the different houses we would see near us. We have even started to explore different types of houses in our construction corner! Have a look at the terraced houses and the block of flats we have made.

Terraced houses
Some Flats by Kaitlyn

We have also been learning about homes around the world.

“I didn’t know that some houses can be made of mud” – Ella

“I  have learned that some houses move like a caravan or a tent.” – Dawud

“Some houses are even made of snow. These are called igloos.” – Alfie


Soon we are going to be making junk models of different houses and using different materials. “It’s going to be exciting!” – Haniya

Maths, P.E., Writing and Science!

In maths we have been doing tens and units. – James

We can count in tens with the tens rods. – Lexi

We were playing the Ben Ten game with the tens and units. – Luca Fr

The Squares group have been learning about money in maths – Bella

We were learning about different coins. – Jessica

We have been learning to add money using different coins. – Harry

This week the circles group were adding to get to 11. – Dylan

We were counting in order using number lines and cubes to get to 11. – Warren

In gym we have been practising balancing, throwing and dribbling. – Molly

We have been learning how to do an over-head throw. – Jessica

We were learning how to do an under-arm throw. – Luca Fr

We were learning how to bounce pass. – Ben

For a bounce pass you have to throw the ball just past the middle between you and your partner. – Harry

For dribbling we had to use the inside of our feet and pass between our feet to get to the other side. – Sam

With Mrs McGregor we have been practising our balancing skills by taking part in different activity stations. – Bruce

In writing we have been using the words First, Next, Then, After that and Finally to help put our sentences in order. – Cara

We have been learning about our senses in our topic work. If you need help and you are blind then you can have a guide dog. – Eleanor

We have now finished our senses topic so we were making our own posters and games about all our learning on senses. – Molly

Super Senses

We have been learning about senses as our class topic. – Leaah

One of the senses is smelling. You can smell something which is sweet, sour or spicy. – James

We have also learned that you use your tongue to taste. – Unnabh

We can use our ears to hear and if the noise is too loud your ear drum can burst. – Evan

You use your eyes to see stuff to see where you are going like going across the road. – Lexi

If you are blind, you cannot see. A guide dog could help you. – Tia

You can touch some things to see if they are hard or soft and sometimes things can be both hard and squishy. – Bella

This week we have been writing stories using our imagination about a boy and his rocket. – Harry

In P.E. this week we had the mats out and we were balancing using different body parts. – Warren

You had to look at something that wasn’t moving to keep your body straight. – Luca Franchi

You had to stay still. – Evan

Sea life centre

Yesterday Primary 1 visited the Sea Life Centre in Loch Lomond to help learn a little more about our under the sea topic.

We had a great day together learning about the various sea creatures

We arrived on time to see the otters having their lunch. They were super fast and a little bit smelly. They were enjoying some chicks for their lunch.

We listened to lots of facts about the creatures given to us by our tour guide.

We went through a big tunnel and all of the sea creatures were swimming just above our heads. It was very exciting!!

We even had time to play in the park before we got the coach back to school.

Thank you very much to all of our parent helpers who came along with us. You helped keep us safe and answered lots of our questions!

Photography skills

Cameron from Primary 1b has been snapping some great pictures of the children playing this afternoon. He is very proud of his work.

“It was really fun. I’ve never taken photos on a camera before, only my tablet”.


Good job Cameron!!!

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