P3A 07.09.18


We have been busy practising our lines for our Class Assembly next Friday. We are going to learn an owl song to sing to everyone. We know lots of interesting facts about owls and some really funny owl jokes!

We all love maths in Primary 3A!

The Sphere Maths group have been learning to tell the time using quarter past and quarter to. The Prisms and Cylinders are getting faster at saying their number facts. They have also carried out lots of addition and subtraction calculations.

We are making posters to show how we help ourselves to feel better when we are scared or nervous about something.

I was nervous when I started my new drama class. I felt better when I made some new friends (LS)

I am scared to go to the Dentist. I think about my friends to make me feel better. (H McD)

I am scared of heights. I feel better if I don’t look down but once I’ve done it I feel great! (L MacK)

I was nervous of being in the Pupil Council. Once I knew there was another P2 there, it was fine. (HJ)

I am scared of ambulances. I stay still and this makes me feel better. (H S)

We are enjoying PE both indoors and out in the muga. We are learning lots of new skills e.g. throwing, catching, balancing, controlling our movements and working together.

P3b – The River Nile

This week we started our Ancient Egypt topic. The first thing that we have been learning about is The River Nile. We found out that the river would flood once a year which helps crops to grow. We also found out that bricks were made using mud from the Nile. The river was also useful for catching fish to eat.

Isla said, “I learnt that boats went down the Nile to trade pottery for food.”

Ryan said, “the pyramids were made out of limestone.”

Habiba said, “they grow crops near The River Nile.”

Harris said, “they used the river for transport.”

Next week we are looking forward to learning more about Ancient Egyptians.


Primary 3A


We’ve had another busy week in P3A.

We are still enjoying our class novel and are looking forward to telling everyone all about owls at our Assembly.

I have learned that although barn owls have good hearing you can’t see their ears. (E McK)

I know that barn owls sleep during the day and hunt at night. (BMcL)

Barn owls have a heart shaped ruff on their faces. (EO’G)

We enjoyed our writing lesson this week. We learned about similes and used them to make lots of comparisons.

Here are some examples:

I am as slow as a snail climbing a wall. (J U)

I am as slow as a crawling ant. (B Mc L)

I am as quick as a peregrine falcon flying across the sky. (BL)

I am as large as a giant climbing up the beanstalk (L Mc C)

I am happy like a hamster on his wheel. (ES)


We had Mrs Duggie for Music on Tuesday.

 We practised keeping a steady beat while singing. ( Listen listen here I come Someone special gets the drum) LMcK

We have to practise the beat while shopping with our families. We will show you at the shops! (I C)

This is the first week where our special person gets to talk to the class about their interests and their favourite possessions. We have filled in a trophy for W to tell him how much we know and like about him. Another person will be selected next week.

Our Rights – P3b

This week we have been learning about our rights. We have learnt that we have the right to play, to be warm, to have an education and to be cared for. We also made a poster about our wants and needs.

Ava said, “I’d like to learn more about our rights.”

Rosie said, “our rights are help us to be safe.”

Edward said, “we have the right to play.”

Dylan said, “we have a right to learn.”

Zara said, “we have a right to be cared for.”

Olivia said, “I thought it was really fun.”

Alfie said, “can we learn more about education?”

Primary 3A

Primary 3A

This is our first Blog.

Every week we will tell you all about our learning, achievements and the fun we’re having in Primary 3.

This week we have enjoyed reading The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. This book tells us about Plop who is a little baby owl. Plop is afraid of the dark and he has started to ask different people about what the dark means to them.

I think this book will help people who are afraid of the dark. (JA)

This book gives us lots of information about owls. (WS)

We wrote animal adventures stories. We tried to use interesting vocabulary and to remember to add the correct punctuation.

I wrote about a cheetah who didn’t want to run. He had lots of adventures while he was learning to run! (IL)

I wrote about a cat going on a treasure hunt. The story started when he found a treasure map in a bottle. (MM)

We’ve picked really good names for our Literacy groups. We have chosen Dolphins, Sharks and Seals.

Our maths groups are 3D shape names: Prisms, Spheres and Cylinders.

We have been very busy with our class charter. We have chosen a rainbow theme to display our rights.

The rights we are focussing on are:

  • Every child has the right to an Education.
  • Every child is free to say what they think and to seek and receive all kinds of information.
  • Every child has the right to good health.

We have chosen to research the ancient Egyptians for our Topic. We are all really looking forward to finding out about Pharaohs, mummies and pyramids.

Care Home Visit

We went to Whitecraigs care home and talked to a few of the residents there. We took our plants to the care home and put them in the garden to make it more exciting. We sang two songs called ‘Frère Jacques’ and ‘Daisy Daisy’. All the people who live at the care home loved our songs and clapped along. Some were even singing with us! Then we showed the residents our picture that we had created. We asked them questions about themselves.

‘I found out that someones favourite food was chocolate biscuits’ – Ava.

‘I got to introduce all the songs to the residents at the care home’ – Isla.

I found out that a man was 100 years old!’ – Jenny

‘Someone’s favourite food was chips’ – Mac

‘I found out that someones favourite sport was basketball’ –

My Aunt Margaret lives at the care home. I found out that she was 86 years old’ – Lucy


Caring for the Community

Primary 2 have been busy this term learning about who is in our community and how we can make a positive change to the lives of residents at Whitecraigs Care Home.  We designed and painted plant pots using pattern and colour, as well as designing golf balls as bright insects to make the care home Dementia garden a more calm and brightly coloured place to relax.  We were visited by nurses from Whitecraigs Care Home to sensitively learn about Dementia and how our body and mind can change as we get older.  There were lots of very good questions asked to the nurses which helped us to understand the potential thoughts, feelings, likes and dislikes of someone with Dementia.

Best of all, we walked allllllllllll the way from Crookfur Primary to Whitecraigs Care Home and got to sing songs to the residents, choose where our plant pots were going in the garden and explore the garden area.  It was a very sunny and warm day – we were very lucky!





French Assistant

On Monday we had a French assistant called Ben. – James

He taught us how to say happy birthday and our favourite colour in French. – Eleanor

He told us where he lived which was Clermont Ferrand. – Ben

He asked us what our name was in French. – Cara

We could answer the question with Je m’appelle. ________ – Heather

We learned that children wear their own clothes to school in France but we wear a uniform here. – Nathan

Ben told us that children get a longer lunch hour in France and they start school at 8 o’clock and finish at 6 o’clock in the evening. – Jessica

Ben also told us that the school lunches in France are almost the same to the lunches in Scotland because they have a menu to choose from. – Warren

The school lunch menu stays the same every day for the whole week and changes the next week. – Bella


A busy start to the new term…

This week some of us have been learning to count the corners, faces and edges of 3D shapes. – Harry

Another word for corners is vertices. – Molly

Some 3D shapes are cubes, cylinders, triangular prism, pyramids and spheres. – Bruce

We have been learning about different coins like 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. – Warren

I know that 5p + 5p = 10p – Kyle

We have been learning to measure in litres to make potions when learning about volume and capacity. – Unnabh

In P.E. we have been doing athletics and learning to throw, jump and run. – Beth

We have been learning to aim to throw beanbags in hoops. – Evan

Our new topic is caring for the community and we are making a colourful garden for the elderly people at the care home. – Lauren

We have been learning Frere Jacques to sing to the elderly. – Lexi

We are going to paint plant pots and plant flowers at the care home. – Sam

Making Sandwiches

On Thursday we had a great time making our very own sandwiches in the kitchen. We used bread, cheese, cucumbers, lettuce and tomatoes. We carefully chopped the vegetables using a knife. Once we had made our sandwich we cut them into smaller pieces. Some of us even cut the crust off! We had so much fun making our sandwiches and thought they were delicious!

Miss Cox and Primary 2B

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