Welcome to Cross Arthurlie Primary School and Nursery Class Website.
This website will hopefully help you to understand more about our school and how we support our children’s learning in order to provide the very best education. We have a very positive environment and our children feel safe, happy and well supported in school. We have a great staff team who work well together to ensure all children have excellent learning experiences.
This year, with the wider school and nursery community, we introduced the following new priorities for us as an establishment they are:
“A caring community of learners”
The values we hold:
Together we will develop a curriculum where the journey of learning is a priority. We will build friendships and confidence looking out for each other as we live life now and prepare for our future.
If you have any further questions about the school please don’t hesitate to contact us;
Phone : 0141 570 7140
Email: schoolmail@crossarthurlie.e-renfrew.sch.uk
Yours truly,
Fiona MacDonald