Together time, habitats and fun in the sun.

This week, during together time the children have been exploring familiar stories and attempting to retell them. This has led into other ares of the our play to develop our understanding of stories further.

In the malleable area, we have based our play around the story of The Three Little Pigs, using straw, sticks, blocks and clay to construct different houses and retell the story. There was lots of discussion about where the wolf might live and lots of problem solving as we experimented with different buildings! 

Following on from this we have also been learning about different habitats and exploring our senses; we had ice water (Arctic), grass, sand (desert), rocks (mountains) and gloop (sea). This led to lots of questions and allowed us to practice our research skills as we utilised different sources of information, for instance books, internet and people. We also later added some mud after someone suggested the pigs would prefer it!

“The pigs would like to live nowhere ‘cause we don’t have mud!” – MJ

“He wants to go back to the desert ‘cause the water is cold” – KM

“I know, owls live in the night” – RN

“I’m building a big mountain” – AS

What an amazing week we have had outdoors! There have been so many sparks and the conversation has been flowing. The sun makes everything better. The children have been building houses for slugs, putting on a performance of Frozen, making hopscotch and building gigantic sandcastles. It has been so nice to see the joy on children’s faces running around, laughing and playing with their friends in the sunshine. 

“I think this centipede has 50 million legs “ – MM

“This is a millipede but I call it a millime because it’s cute, it feels tickely to me” – JL

“This is so relaxing” – AS

“I think these are trying to huggle each other” – CL

“This is the most gigantic sandcastle that has ever been made” AM 

Within the literacy area, the children have been eager to retell their own versions of fairy tales, through illustrations in their own little books. 

To enhance their storytelling Miss Bashir helped to support by exploring the setting and characters with the children and developing a beginning, middle and ending of their stories, identifying what the problem was and the solution. The children used the laptops to type up some of the words but this was a little tricky. We will need a little more practice developing this.

Don’t forget we are off on holiday Monday and have an in-service day on Tuesday but will welcome all the children back on Wednesday.

Enjoy the long weekend x