sewing, moon dough, mark making and more…

This week at the sewing area, the children have been exploring a new sewing tool called a punch embroidery pen. The children have been investigating how it works and following the process from start to finish. The children have had a go at feeding the wool through the pen and then experimenting with the mechanism of the pen to create a pattern or shape. The children were all amazing and had great perseverance with this new device. The children told me it was easy and enjoyed using it.

This week in the literacy area the children have continued to explore different countries and have used their mark making skills to replicate the countries name and their associated flag.The children used their observation skills to guess what the images on the flag could represent.

EC “ it has branches because there is lots of trees in Cyprus and the the bit at the top is what it looks like on a map”

QF “the Tenerife flag looks like the Scotland flag because its blue and white”

In addition to this the children have shown an interest in environmental print and have been keen to replicate car logos and their names.

As the children continue to develop their story writing skills some are beginning to illustrate pictures that have relevance to their stories.


This week at the malleable area, we have been exploring moon dough, which creates dough that is stretchy and squidgy. The children made donuts for our wee “Avenue” in the outdoor classroom. “I think it feels like a cloud or a rainbow” “It’s so fluffy” – BH

We also made moon sand, “Did you actually get this from the moon”? And the children have enjoyed moulding the sand into ice cream that is loaded with “One thousand unicorn sprinkles” – JK. I think we may be opening an ice cream shop next week as many of the children have been role shouting “Ice cream, Ice cream, who wants some ice cream” “Wow, this is just fantastic” – ZB


Miss Burns turned round and saw the children putting the shaving foam on the window and nearly asked them to stop, when she thought what a wonderful idea for mark making! The children loved experimenting with the foam to mark make on an unusual surface.

The children have been busy developing their number skills by counting on from a given number. They have also been careful when counting to ensure they are accurate and don’t miss any items out. Here are the children playing a matching game together developing their counting skills through play.

The malleable area also saw some printing with animals this week which was very messy but lots of fun.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to welcoming you all back next week where we will be learning more about Lunar New Year and the celebrations that may be taking place.