oragami, floating and sinking, woodwork and more…

This week in the home corner we have been exploring money. Whilst exploring the coins we discussed similarities and differences (colour, shape, size etc) and attempted to match them to the words and values. We have also been making our own money to use in the tills! Some of us also used the iPad to research other countries and currencies.

“They’re a different shape ‘cause this one has a wee bit of corners” – AE

“That one is from a different country” – JL

“That’s paper money, if you even get one bit you’re rich” – AC

“If you didn’t have money you wouldn’t be able to buy toys” – AS

In the Malleable area, we have been exploring number in different ways. The children used numicon to press down on the playdough and then we explored touch counting forwards and backwards by squashing down the circles, this supported the children when counting backwards as it can be a little tricky. Next we used the number bond board to explore addition within 20, discussing the language of addition and using concrete materials to support the development of early addition skills. 

“2 add 2 its makes 4” – RB

“I think 10 and 10 is 20 let me check that is right” – GG

“5 add 5 equals 10, I will show you on the board” JL

This week in the indoor sandpit the children have took turns using the scales to weigh different objects. We started off by pouring different amounts of sand into the buckets and observing which was the heaviest. We are learning how to use the scales by asking questions and practising with different items. The children estimated which objects they thought would weight the most and this gave the opportunity to use lots of mathematical language, such as “heavy”, “light”, “full”, “empty” and “equal.”

AM – “the fire engine is heavier”

RN – “that one is full”

AS – “I think the feather will be light”, “its like a see-saw”

RA – “it’s heavy because it is further down than that one”

The children have shown an interest in creating their own stories so we have developed a story station within the book corner. It has been very popular and allowed children to share their own ideas thinking about where a story takes place, the main character and what happens in their story.

Lots of fun was had at the park this week, even it was a little chilly. The highlight was seeing how high the swing could go with lots of bodies on it.

In the outdoor classroom the children were busy developing their woodwork skills with Mrs McIllwham. The children planned the design they would like to make on their block of wood before carefully hammering the nails in. They then selected some loom bands to bring their design to life.

With the support of Miss Carroll, the children attempted to follow instructions to create some oragami in the creative area this week. It was a tricky process that even had some of the adults puzzled but we were delighted to see some familiar animals and items could be made. I wonder if you can work out what they are. The children were keen to see if they could float or sink in the water tray and enjoyed using the paper straws to make them move. This naturally led to great delight in discovering you could make bubbles in the water by blowing through the straw.