estimating, measuring, bee keeping and more…

This week the children have been using the large duplo to build. They started off building a large tower with the square shaped blocks. The children then asked how many blocks were in the tower, so the concept of  estimation was introduced. The group all took a chance to estimate. JH estimated “10” AMcK estimated “5” JR estimated “140” and JL estimated “100 million”. We counted them to check who was closest in their answer. This also led to a chat about different shapes that could be used in their towers.

The nursery has had some lovely sweet smells coming from the kitchen as the children have been busy baking some delicious treats. The children have made the decisions of what to bake and on the menu this week was flatbreads, chocolate muffins and orange biscuits. The children have been developing a variety of skills including measuring, using digital scales for number recognition, estimating quantities, cracking and separating eggs and grating. 

“I know to crack eggs gently so it doesnt go everywhere” LM

“Orange zest smells so yummy, like orange juice” OM

“I think the orange might be sour like lemons or limes” AM

In our home corner the children have been busy looking after our babies, giving them bubble baths and special picnics. It has been lovely to see the boys and girls playing so gently and showing kindness to others.

The creativity has been flowing between the art table and sewing corner to design and make our own clothes. It was lovely to watch the whole process unfold from choosing the fabric and style of dress to the finished product. They loved wearing the clothes and showing them off to their teachers and friends.


The creativity continued in the block area where the children had some great ideas for what they would like to build, from pirate ships to ninja castles. The boys and girls used a superb variety of language as they talked to each other during the design process.

GG “The ship needs to be longer”. JR “let’s make it even bigger”. We will continue to build upon this vocabulary in the coming weeks.

We were very lucky to have our friends from St Ninian’s High School visit us today to tell us all about the bees that they look after at Rouken Glen Park. The boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed learning all about what the bees do, how the honey is made and investigate what the different pieces of equipment are used for.

We hope everybody has a lovely weekend and a well deserved rest before another busy week in nursery.

Take care

Mrs Denholm x