Sewing, Patterns & Pumpkins!

In the sewing area the children have had an interest is making their own teddy bears. They have been designing their creations and selecting materials to decorate their bears. They have  also been developing their fine motor skills as they carefully threaded the material together.


CB ” I want to make a bid teddybear so that I can cuddle it.”

MJ ” I want to use a button for the nose.”

In the art area the children have been exploring the work of the artist Ya Yoi Kusama . Through this they have explored elements of pattern and sequencing to create their on patterns on the pumpkins.

In the malleable area the children decided to make ‘ pumpkin soup.’  They created their own recipe cards and shared their ideas on what they would like to add to the soup. They developed many skills as the cut the fruit, used the grater and masher to get all the ingredients to make ‘slimey pumpkin soup!’

RB- ” We need to mix it all together.”

AC- ” I need to add some bats cause thats what my recipe says!”

MW- ” The soup smells nice, like oranges.”


Following on from the interest in making pumpkin soup in the malleable area, the children participated in sensory experiences in the garden. They explored the texture of the pumpkin and coloured spaghetti, learning lots of new sparkle words and also getting a little bit messy!

QF ” It feels a bit slimey!”

LM- ” i like the coloured spaghetti.”

AP- ” It looks like real worms.”