Welcome back to school! 🎒📝

We have been having so much fun in Primary 2 so far.

We have been so busy getting to know our new classroom and playing with everyone again. We have been doing lots of activities such as Art, role play and construction. 👷‍♀️🎨🎭

We created a class charter together which shows some of the rights we have been learning about. As a class we choose minions to be our class charter theme and coloured them in to make them bright and colourful. 📽🎬

In class we have been reading a book together called the Colour Monster which talks about the different emotions that we can feel. 😊😥😡😨😎 We had great discussions about emotions we can feel during different situations.

Look at our fabulous work so far! 👀

Friday 27th March

Happy Friday everyone!

It is the last day of our first week learning online! You have all worked really hard this week and I am really proud of you all! Thank you for all your efforts so far and keeping me company on our google classroom.

Let’s have a fun last school day of the week and start off with some movement and dancing!



So it’s the end of our first week of learning online and at home. I have seen some amazing work and am so proud of your efforts! I wish I was able to check in with you all in person but as we are still working form home I thought it would be a good idea to share with each other what you have all been up to at home.

You can choose how you do this, either draw a picture, write a few sentences in your jotter, record a video and post it onto our google classroom. Draw or write about your week on a document and upload it or add to the comments or even upload some pictures of your week.

You can choose, but I know I would certainly love to hear all about your week and i’m sure all your friends from class would also.

Spelling and Dictation 

Today we are going to practise dictation, we do this in class so you will now have a chance to show your grown ups how amazing you are all getting at it.

In your jotter spell the word that your grown up reads out, remember to sound out each word. if your not sure say it slowly with each sound and get your grown up to sound it out slowly with you also.

To help you can use an alphabet line, i have added one you can download or write your own in your jotter before you start.

Grown Up:
read each word from the list one at a time, it can help to say it in a sentence, if they are struggling remind your child to sound out the word and think about each sound they hear.


We began talking about the Easter story last week and today we can continue thinking about it today.

Here is a link to the Easter story for you to watch this week. You could watch it in two parts as it lasts about 25 minutes.
Have a chat with your child about the story. You could ask questions like:
Who are the disciples? (friends of Jesus)
What did Judas do?( told the soldiers where Jesus was)

You decide what is appropriate.


Children all over the country have been making colourful rainbow art to spread happiness and joy.
Can you make your own rainbow art and share it on Google Classroom with us?


Thursday 26th March

Happy Thursday Primary 1.

I hope you have all had a nice week so far. I have really enjoyed seeing your pictures of work and things you are doing at home so thank you very much for sharing them!

There are a few new tasks today for you to complete, remember that this is similar to our in school classroom and you can choose when and how you complete them. Just do what works for your family.
If you have been learning about something different at home do let us know. Evie your Nessie poster was a fantastic idea!

This was me out with Fergus yesterday for a little fresh air, its really important to get outside for a little while as long as we are safe.

Have a lovely day everyone


Using your numeracy booklets complete the next page.

It’s important to practise our mental maths so have a go at the hit the button game to revise your number stories.

Revise the story of 7 today. You can choose how you practise, but get someone in your house to test your knowledge.
remember there are 8 calculations in the story of 7 that all add together to make 7. Can you find all the partners?
5+2=7 2+5=7

 Using the game hit the button can help to develop your recall of number bonds and doubles.  Can you challenge someone in your house to play with you?

Number lines – To help when completing numeracy tasks at home it might be useful to make your own number line or number flash cards.

-Use something to help draw a straight line in your jotter and add numbers to 20 across it, just like a ruler.

-Cut up a piece of paper into 20 pieces and give each piece a number. can you add the correct number of pictures to go with the number? On your number 10 card you can add 10 stars.

-If you have a printer you can print out these ones rather than make your own.

number lines


 Learning Intention:
To describe a character

So today I would like you to choose a book from home to read with a grown up or sibling. How many of the words can you read yourself or with a little help from an adult?

We have been thinking about the characters of our reading books. Talk to someone in your house about the main character in your story. Do you like them? Are they kind?

Have a go at writing a sentence or 2 to describe your character. Tell me what they look like, what they are doing and how they behave. You can even use the voice notes in the google doc to record your sentence if you can access it.

If you want to be really creative you can make a 3D model using recycling in your house. If you want to share your art work then take a picture and add it to our google classroom.
Log into your epic books account again and you will see a new book all about the moon. Read this with a grown up and then share a fact you have found out with someone else in your house.

You could add it to the google slides if you want to share it with your classmates.

Have a look out if your window tonight and see if you can spot the moon in the sky, can you see a face on the moon?
Have fun!

I really love this song!

Zoom Zoom Zoom We’re Going to The Moon Song
Miss Lowson

Wednesday 25th March

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are all ready for a good day today.

I have added a few new tasks for you to have a look at when suits you and your family. I hope you are enjoying spending some time with your families just now. Let me know what you have been getting up to.

I am going to have a go at Joe Wicks exercise class this morning. If you don’t feel like doing that then another option would be some cosmic kids yoga, you really enjoy this in class so why not pick your favourite one and show someone else in your family how to do it.

I like this frozen one.  


In your packs you will have a numeracy booklet, today do a page in your booklet to practise your number skills.

It’s also important to practise counting, here is a song to count with and have fun at the same time.

Have a go at this game to practise your number calculations to 10.

You can also have a look at education city where you will find more games to play. Your login for this is in your home learning folders.

Well done everyone, keep working hard.



Jolly Phonics –

Today we are going to revise the ou sound.

Go on a sound hunt to the house to see what you can find with that sound.

Watch the clip to see what Geraldine found in her house.

Add to our Jamboard the ou things you found. If you cant add to the Jamboard draw the pictures in your jotter.


Have a look at what Geraldine Giraffe sound on her sound hunt. 



Last week we began to look at electricity. From what you now know, can you spot the electrical dangers in the Switched on Kids House?

Now let’s start to think about other forms of electricity. What do you think causes thunder ‬and lightning? Let’s watch the video and find out!


What Causes Thunder and Lightning?
YouTube video   ‪3 minutes‬



Have a great day everyone.

Tuesday 24th March

Good Morning Primary 1

Here is a copy of todays tasks for you to complete when you can.

Have a look over on the google classroom for a more interactive experience, i can answer questions you have and you can see who else in our class has been completing them. When you are online remember to send a message to say hello and let me know you have been able to get access.

Tuesday 24th tasks

If you are having any problems logging into google classroom, contact the school and they can get a message to me.


Today we are going to practise spelling our tricky words.






Use your jotters or the google doc to spell your tricky words. Remember to write each word 3 times.

Choose how you write your words: rainbow writing, bubble writing, curly writing, capital letters.


Choose one of your tricky words and use it in a sentence.



As I can’t give out real books on a Tuesday as normal I have found this great website.

Each week I will set each reading group at least 1 new book.

Remember to read this book everyday.

I will also add books to listen to and songs on this site to enjoy together. There are book to support our recent topic of space so I will add these to your library to read at your own pace.

Class Log In Instructions:

Open up web browser

Go to www.getepic.com/students

Log in with your class code – on google classroom

You can use this website from 9am to 3pm.

Select your name and you are in!


Handwriting :

Choose a page in your handwriting booklet that is in your folder to complete. Can you make a pattern using different colours?

Remember it’s important to practise the letters on the lines at the bottom yourself. Make it as neat as you can.

Also have a go at this fun formation game.




Today we are going to have a go at using shapes to make an animal or person. You can use the google drawings link to make your own online or have a go in your jotter. If you can upload a picture of your animal add it to the comments.

If you need some help to draw the shapes see if you can find something in the house to draw around.

What shapes did you use to make your animal?

What animal did you draw?


Shape and pattern game.


Go on a shape hunt around your house, what 2D shapes did you find?

Remember that a 2D shape is a flat shape and one you can’t pick up and hold.



Lets get active with Joe Wicks

On a Tuesday we normally have PE so today we are going to get moving and keep our fitness up at home.

Use the link to get your bodies moving with Jo. you can find it on you tube also. It starts at 9am and is on every day so you can do it all week if you want to.


Have fun!

Miss Lowson

Monday 23rd March

Hi everyone,

Until I hear from everyone in our class on the google classroom , I will post a short plan of each day on our class blog. Once I know everyone is accessing the Google Class successfully I will stop posting here.

As this is just a blog and open for everyone to see there will be limited  content.  I will put up as much as I can to help guide your day.

Monday Targets

Literacy: Let’s have a go at reading today.

Click on the attached link and read with your grown up the book ‘ The little Red Hen’. Challenge yourself to read it to your grown up. They can help you with any words you get stuck on.

Talk to a grown up about the questions in the writing frame. Have a go at answering them in your jotter if you want. This will be tricky and a big challenge so just chat about them if you prefer.

Can you draw a picture of your favourite part of the story. You could write a sentence to tell me why you liked it best. If you want you can type your answer in the comments box.



Let’s revise our number stories.

Let’s revise our number stories.

Today we are going to revise the story of 6. Watch the number bonds song and use your jotter to rainbow write the story of 6.

Find 6 toys to build each calculation of 6.
Can you make a subtraction calculation of 6? remember when is take away you always start with the biggest number :




practise counting to 10 in French. if you want to challenge yourself have a go at counting on further. Let a member of your family hear you and test you. Maybe you can even test them.

Follow the link to find the clips to help you.

Good Luck Primary 1.

Miss Lowson


Learning Online

Hi Everyone,

Our Google Classroom has been up and running since August, so we are ready for learning at home. Just in case anyone is having problems I sent home lots of information in your learning packs.

I also sent home a copy of the children’s  Education City login which will always have access to games to support our previous learning.

Another good option is sumdog, you don’t need a login for this just now so just search for sumdog and start playing, it will adapt to the answers given so its important the children answer these questions to allow the game to adapt to their own level. Have a go and let me know through the google classroom how you are getting on.

Here are some instructions for logging onto our Google Classroom.

If it asks for your glow email, this is your glow username followed by @er.glow.scot NOT @glow.sch.uk as is written in your home learning pack. This is incorrect and will not work. For example gw15surnameforename@er.glow.scot

To access Google Classroom you have two options:

1. Go to the Glow Login website. Use your ‘gw’ login. Scroll down and select the app for Google Classroom.

2. Download the Google Classroom App on your smartphone/ tablet/ iPad. Use our class login code or your ‘gw’ email to access our classroom.

3. you should now just be able to click to open the classroom Primary 1/1 2019 but if it asks you to join just click accept or join and you will be able to get into the feed.

I cannot post the class code on here for security reasons. Please share with families in our class to help us work together.

The boys and girls have all logged onto Glow in class and have successfully used Google Classroom in school so hopefully this is easy to access at home.

Good luck everyone, I hope you enjoy this new way of learning, its going to be an adventure for us all but we will try hard and be successful I’m sure of it!

Miss Lowson

February Fun

February has been a busy month with lots of new learning and exciting adventures. Here is a sneak peak into some of the things  Primary 1 have been up to.

Reading in our new and improved library area. It’s been a big hit, lots of reading and exploring books.


Practising our subtraction skills and the language of subtraction. Less than, the difference between, take away, minus, there are so many different ways to say subtraction.


Children had to make the correct number of play doh balls then smash them following the verbal calculation. Great job everyone, subtraction can be really tricky but you have mastered it!



Heart Start

We were learning  how to call for help in the case of an emergency. Following our heart start programme everyone  practised calling 999 and had a go at checking for a response on a casualty. We have a class of very responsible Primary 1’s.


                                                     Exploring Volume


When exploring volume the children investigated quantities that were full, empty, half full, nearly full and nearly empty. They ordered and estimated volumes in a variety of containers.





Children have been developing their confidence in number stories to 10. With February the month for celebrating love and friendship we had some number story themed activities.

Revising o’clock and half past the hour, we can read and make the correct time using the small clocks.

  It’s fun to choose which medium to practise spelling with. We have been learning consonant blends this month.


Using the story world software is a fun way to develop our reading confidence. It also helps to practise mouse control.


 Muddy Movers

We too muddy movers to the Quarry recently. It was an amazing adventure, walking through streams, listening to the waterfall and birds singing. We spotted tracks on the ground and investigated floating and sinking in the streams.


This is is only a snapshot into the busy month but it’s been jam packed with new learning and lots of fun!

Muddy Movers

The weather has finally given us enough of a break to get out in the garden for some muddy moving!

It was great fun jumping in the puddles and digging for treasure.

There was a lot of ‘real’ treasure to be found buried in the garden, and even better imaginative stories to go with it.

It was easier to roll the tyres than carry them, they were very heavy.

Washing the treasure in the clean rain water.

Finding creatures in the playground is always great fun!

The children worked together to build a castle. Super team work and communication here.

It was hard work so some needed a quick rest!


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