Friday 27th March

Happy Friday everyone!

It is the last day of our first week learning online! You have all worked really hard this week and I am really proud of you all! Thank you for all your efforts so far and keeping me company on our google classroom.

Let’s have a fun last school day of the week and start off with some movement and dancing!



So it’s the end of our first week of learning online and at home. I have seen some amazing work and am so proud of your efforts! I wish I was able to check in with you all in person but as we are still working form home I thought it would be a good idea to share with each other what you have all been up to at home.

You can choose how you do this, either draw a picture, write a few sentences in your jotter, record a video and post it onto our google classroom. Draw or write about your week on a document and upload it or add to the comments or even upload some pictures of your week.

You can choose, but I know I would certainly love to hear all about your week and i’m sure all your friends from class would also.

Spelling and Dictation 

Today we are going to practise dictation, we do this in class so you will now have a chance to show your grown ups how amazing you are all getting at it.

In your jotter spell the word that your grown up reads out, remember to sound out each word. if your not sure say it slowly with each sound and get your grown up to sound it out slowly with you also.

To help you can use an alphabet line, i have added one you can download or write your own in your jotter before you start.

Grown Up:
read each word from the list one at a time, it can help to say it in a sentence, if they are struggling remind your child to sound out the word and think about each sound they hear.


We began talking about the Easter story last week and today we can continue thinking about it today.

Here is a link to the Easter story for you to watch this week. You could watch it in two parts as it lasts about 25 minutes.
Have a chat with your child about the story. You could ask questions like:
Who are the disciples? (friends of Jesus)
What did Judas do?( told the soldiers where Jesus was)

You decide what is appropriate.


Children all over the country have been making colourful rainbow art to spread happiness and joy.
Can you make your own rainbow art and share it on Google Classroom with us?

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