Please comment in this section for any achievemtents you recieve outside of shcool and we will keep it updated to share our successes with others.
Remember achieving is all about believing!
May 2016
20 badges, what an achievement!
After today’s Achievement Assembly we would like to say a huge congratulations to everybody who received a certificate. Well done!
We would also like to remind everybody that even though you may not have received an award today you should never give up. Always try your best!
Today Leo brought in his sheilds and medals that he was awarded with in Boys Brigade after some sporting events. Well done Leo!
April 2016
Earlier this month Leo was awarded a medal at Boys Brigade. Super work!
March 2016
Well done to the children who participated in the East Renfrewshire dance competition.
A massive congratulations and well done to the Primary 2, 3, and 4 children who worked very hard to achieve a successful first level school show. We are very proud of you and can’t wait to see the performance.
it was so good!
it was really good
it was terrific
nice manners
I’m mackenzie
The school show was very fun
Ben P4
Hi mrs McLean I like the dance pictchor
really good Mrs Mclean see you tomorrow
can’t wait to go back to school tomorrow
Me too 🙂 see you then.
nice pictures
I got a pet bunny.
How exciting Mackenzie. Do you have a name for your new pet bunny yet?
bunny’s are cool
nice mictures